Creado por jitterco
hace más de 10 años
Vivid, earthy style
Refers to Mount Sinai as the place for the study of the Law
Gives framework for the Pentateuch
Wrote the second creation story
Recounts the Great Flood
Uses Elohim
Prophecies, esp. those of Elijah and Elisha
Retells stories from northern kingdom's point of view with emphasis on the monarchy
Abraham is a central figure
Means "second law"
Emphasizes morality and the Law
Likely composed by a priest in the northern kingdom at the shrine of Shechem around 650 BC
Major theme of Israel's history as a cycle of fidelity/reward and sin/punishment
Highlights speeches of Moses
Repeats, "Listen, Israel"
Census lists, genealogies, numbers, dates, proper ways to worship, and clean and unclean animals
Latest source
Wrote the first creation story
Wrote Leviticus