Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.
( Do, Dust, Get, Hang, Lay, Make, sweep ) the ironing
( Do, Dust, Get, Hang, Lay, Make, Sweep ) the washing-up
( Dust, Do, Get, Hang, Lay, Make, Sweep ) the furniture
( Get, Do, Hang, Lay, Make, Dust, Sweep ) the dinner ready
( Hang, Do, Dust, Get, Lay, Make, Sweep ) the washing out to dry
( Lay, Do, Dust, Get, Hang, Make, Sweep ) the table
( Make, Do, Dust, Get, Hang, Sweep, Lay ) the beds
( Sweep, Do, Dust, Get, Lay, Make, Hang ) the floor