Creado por Chloe Reynolds
hace alrededor de 6 años
What is primary PPH?
What is Secondary PPH?
Minor PPH?
Major PPH?
2 signs look for to establish if placenta has separated?
What is the risk of forcing the placenta prior to separation?
4 general causes of PPH?
Drugs to use to pharmacologically promote uterine contraction?
How to manually promote uterine contraction?
4 procedures used to stop bleeding?
How much increased risk of thromboembolism by pregnancy?
How much increased risk of thromboembolism by C-section?
What % is the incidence of non-fatal PE or DVT in pregnancy normally compared to when have C-section?
What are the odds of maternal mortality from a thromboembolism?
What treatment for a woman who is pregnant with suspected VTE?
What method is used to deliver placenta actively?
Define an 'Ectopic' pregnancy?
Rate of ectopic pregnancies?
Maternal mortality with ectopic pregnancies?
Most common site of ectopic pregnancy?
RF for an ectopic pregnancy? (6)
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?
Signs of ectopic pregnancy?
How to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy?
What is PUL?
What % of early pregnancies are PUL?
Methods of managing ectopic pregnancies?
What is a 'threatened miscarriage'?
What is 'delayed (missed) miscarriage'?
What defines 'recurrent misscarriages'?
What % do misscarriages make up on clincally diagnosed pregnancies?
Most common cause of misscarriage?
What test determines future management of PUL?
When would expectant managment for ectopic pregnancy be apropriate?
When is medical management for ectopic pregnancy first line treatment?
When is surgery first line management for women with ectopic pregnancy?
What is surgical treatment for ectopic pregnancy?
What is offered to rhesus negative women following removal of ectopic?
If a woman is less than 6 weeks pregnant and is bleeding but not in pain- how manage her ectopcic?
What is the rate of reoccurance of ectopic pregnancy?
What percentage of women expperience bleeding in ealry pregnancy?
How to diagnose and manage a misscarriage?
From how many weeks can we see a viable fetus?
How does bHCG change within a viable pregnancy and with miscarriage?
What is the fetal pole?
Management of miscarriage?
What 'suggests' a complete miscarrigae?
What 'suggests' an incomplete miscarriage?
What suggests a 'missed' misscarriage?
How much misoprosol used if missed miscarriage or incomplete?
What is Gestational Trophoblastic disease?
Examples of Pre-Malignant Gestational trophoblastic disease?
Examples of Malignant gestational trophoblast disease?
How common is a molar pregnancy?
Presentation of a Molar pregnanacy?
What is the risk that may follow complete molar pregnancy?
If women continue bleeding after pregnancy- what must we always consider?
Genetics of partial and incomplete molar pregnancies?
What is this and used for? Risks?
How to treat cord prolapse?
When use membrane sweep? Evidence for use?
What determines a 'favourable' induction?
Contraindications for inductions of labour?
What is Vasa Previa?
What is determines an 'unfavourable' induction?
What % of labours are induced?
Indications for induction of labour?
Risks of induction of labour?
What is Bishop's score system based on?
Methods of induction of labour?
What is risk of inducing labour in a woman with a previous C-section?
What is this method called and what for?
What is 'Naegeles rule'?
What anagesia should be used in Labour?
What % of pathological CTGs mean that fetus is compromised?
What is a better marker of fetal wellbeing if CTG is pathological?
What is the Harmony test?
How births are Trisomy 21?
What further tests used if high chance of trisomy from Harmony test?
What medication is given to women as first line treatment for moderate to severe HTN (pre-eclampsia) in pregnancy?
If birth is considered likely within 7 days in women with pre-eclampsia, and woman is 24-34 weeks pregnant- what give?
What is the name of the validated questionnaire to assess the severity of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?
If moderate to high risk pre-eclampsia- what is recommended that women take?
Common symptoms of obstetric cholestasis?
What surgical approach is used with severely overweight women for C-sections?
Risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
From what gestation can a fetus heart beat be heard?
From what date is a pregnancy counted from?
What steps should be used by scanner in EPAC to determine a viable pregnancy?
What is deemed 'early pregnancy'?
what is Expectant management?
What must be offered to women who attend EPAC?
What management should be offered as first line for a woman with confirmed diagnosis of miscarriage? (when not?)
surgical management of miscarriage offered?
When to refer to EPAC?
If a pregnancy is <6 weeks, and woman bleeding but not in pain, what do?
What factors may mean that a women in EPAC requires a transabdominal scan rather than a transvaginal?
If crown-rump length of fetus is <7mm with trasnvaginal USS scan, and no visible heart beat- what do?
For a woman with an increase in serum hCG concentration greater than 63% after 48 hour- what is likely?
Degree classification of tears in labour?
What type of episitomy be considered with instrumentla delivery?
What cell type lines the proximal anal canal?
What cell type lines distal anal canal?
Which techniques should be used to accomplish the repair of the anorectal mucosa?
techniques should be used to accomplish the repair of the internal anal sphincter?
Which techniques should be used to repair the external anal sphincter?
Prognosis following an anal repair?
Incidence of twins in UK?
Most common type of twin?
What do monochorionic twins mean?
What is twin-twin transfusion syndrome and what related to?
How treat twin-twin transfusion syndrome?
What type of twin is most likely to be still birth?
Incidence of conjoined twins worldwide?
Most rare form of twins? Risk?
Risks of multiple pregnancies?
What % of twins are born pre-term?
Delivery planning for different types of twins?
Circumstances which would enable a normal vaginal delivery for twins?
What would be offered if first twin is not cephallic?
When routine growth scans for differing twins?
How manage anaemia of mother if twins?
How best to screen for chromosomal abnormailites if twins, and at what gestation?
What is this conditon? Incidence?
What is this?
RF for placenta Praevia?
Significance of vasa previa?
Classic presentation of Vas previa?
How diagnose vasa previa?
statistics of placental abruption?
RF for placental abruption?
A theory for why placenta previa happens?
Types of placenta previa?
When does placenta previa generally cause bleeding?
What condition is placenta previa related to?
What does placenta previa increase the risk of?
What is happening physiologically in a placental abruption?
Types of placental abruption?
Maternal complications of placental abruption?
Fetal complications of placental abruption?
Types of forcep? Uses?
What is a Neville Barnes forcep used for?
When is Kiellands forceps used?
What is most common forcep that is used?
Advantages of forceps?
Risks of forceps?
Pain relief for an instrumental delivery?
Fetal complications with instrumental delivery?
What is this?
What is this used for?
Where is a ventouse cup ideally placed?
What must be done/given to patient before ventouse used?
Most common reasons for a delay in 2nd stage of labour?
What is OP and can a baby be delivered in this positon?
Main fetal positions?
What is deemed a normal length of time for second stage of labour in a nulliparous and multiparous woman?
Normal length of active labour in a nulliparous woman?
Normal length of active labour in a multiparous woman?
What assessing when doing a vaginal examination in labour? (5)
When a baby is occipital-anterior- how large is the smallest diameter of the head to fit through the pelvic outlet?
When a baby is occipital posterior- what is the smallest diameter in which a head can fit through the pelvic outlet?
If a baby is presenting as 'brow' how big is the diameter of head to get through pelvis outlet?
Advantages of ventouse over forceps?
Criteria for instrumental delivery?
Where is ventouse applied onto head?
At what rate does cervix dilate during active labour?
C-section risks?
Mneumonic to looking at CTGs?
What is a classical C-section? When used?
Risks of classical C-section?
Categories of CS? What means?
When should elective C-sections be carried out?
What is most common C-section?
Why can caffeine be used in pre-term infants?
Is use of caffieine safe?
What dopplers can be used in addition to umbilical artery dopplers?
Why do we worry if there is meconium stained liquor?
Risk factors for babies to release meconium in-utero?
What are the risk that meconium aspiration?
Intrapartum care if meconium stained liquor?
What is a cervical stitch (cervical cerclage) for and when put it?
What length cervix determines if a woman needs a cervical stitch or not?
What procedure can be done to try and turn a breech baby?
What pain relief medication is given to women post C-section?
What medication is given to all women having a C-section?
How does cell salvage work?
Define Pre-Eclampsia
Define Eclampsia...
Define gestational hypertension...
What is chronic hypertension as related to pregnancy?
Define HTN...
Define severities of HTN in pregnancy (mild, moderate and severe)?
What is HELLP syndrome?
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia?
What % of pregnancies worldwide are complicated by HTN disorders?
How many women with severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia need admission to ITU?
Risk factors that make a woman at risk for developing pre-eclampsia?
How to manage development of pre-eclampsia for a woman with risk factors?