RI 8.2

Pregunta 1 de 10


1. Though forks were first used in China thousands of years ago, it took a long time for them to make their way to what is now the United States.
Ancient Greeks began using forks after the Chinese. However, they did not use forks for eating. They used them for serving food. From Greece, forks moved to the Roman Empire. Romans first used long forks for cooking and serving. By the 300s, they began using table forks to feed themselves.
The table fork spread from there to what is now the Middle East and Turkey, before arriving in Italy and becoming popular in the 1000s. It stayed popular in southern Europe, but was not used much in northern Europe until it first became popular in France and Spain in the 1700s.
The table fork arrived in England from France before making its way to the North American colonies, where it first became popular shortly before the American Revolution.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The fork changed after arriving in the Roman Empire.

  • Roman forks were longer than Greek and Chinese forks.


Pregunta 2 de 10


2. What is the central idea?
There are many types of lethal venom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier than the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Males carry a venom cocktail in their ankle spurs that incapacitates victims with excruciating pain. Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception. What this means is that the platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular movements of its prey. The platypus neither sees, hears, nor smells its prey while hunting but, rather, pursues it through electroreception. Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live young. The platypus is an odd creature indeed.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The platypus is an odd, poisonous creature.

  • Platypus males have a poison ankle spur.

  • Platypus can sense electricity

  • None of these options


Pregunta 3 de 10


3. Find the central idea
The term "machine gun" is commonly applied to any gun that is designed to fire repeatedly and in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is held down. During the course of warfare, the trigger of some machine guns may be held down almost continuously for hours to create suppressant fire (rounds fired not necessarily to kill an enemy, but to prevent them from attacking). All of this firing can generate a lot of heat, which may cause the weapon to overheat and malfunction. But this situation has been addressed in a number of ways. For one, practically all machine guns fire from an open bolt, which allows air to cool the breach between bursts of fire. Additionally, some machine guns have removable barrels, which allow hot barrels to be replaced. And some advanced machine guns even have sophisticated barrel cooling systems, which maintain a functional heat level within the weapon. As you might have concluded, a lot of brain power has gone into keeping those guns firing.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Machine guns overheat and there are different ways to address the issue.

  • Machine guns are powerful weapons.

  • Machine guns fire rapidly and repeatedly.

  • None of these


Pregunta 4 de 10


4. What is a topic?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the writer's opinion about a text

  • the general subject of a text

  • the details that explain the text

  • a retelling of the most important ideas


Pregunta 5 de 10


5. Most people think that Johann Sebastian Bach played the piano, but this is not true. The piano was not invented until just two years before he died. Bach's main instrument was the organ. He was a great organist. He wrote a lot of wonderful music for that instrument. He also played other keyboard instruments that were ancestors of the piano. Among these instruments was the harpsichord. Along with Mozart, Bach is considered to be one of the all-time great composers
What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The harpsichord was a keyboard instrument before the piano.

  • The piano had not been invented three hundred years ago.

  • Mozart and Bach did not compose music for the piano.

  • Johann Sebastian Bach was a great organist and writer.


Pregunta 6 de 10


6. We often let others know what we are thinking without using words. The name that we give for this kind of communication is body language. Body language includes gestures, facial expressions, and posture. Body language does not always mean the same thing to everyone.
What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • We sometimes use words to express ourselves.

  • Body language may not mean the same thing to everyone.

  • We use body language to communicate with others.

  • Body language includes gestures, facial expression, and posture.


Pregunta 7 de 10


7. What does it mean to paraphrase?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

  • to put someone else's word in your own words

  • to quote

  • none of the above


Pregunta 8 de 10


8. What is plagiarism?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

  • putting something in your own words

  • summarizing

  • quoting


Pregunta 9 de 10


9. Excerpt from: The Great Blue Hole
By: Rebecca Sparling
The poor water circulation inside most blue holes makes them anoxic. This means that oxygen levels are extremely low at certain depths. The unfavorable environment makes it difficult for marine plants and animals to survive, but large numbers of bacteria seem to flourish in these holes. Some divers claim to spot the occasional shark in the deeper parts of the hole where the water is much clearer. Explorers and scientists believe that a series of underwater tunnels might connect the hole to the mainland. The hazards of exploring such a network make this theory difficult to verify.
Q: In this passage the word verify means

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • invest

  • locate

  • protect

  • prove


Pregunta 10 de 10


10. Depression is a common illness that is easy to treat. Unfortunately, many people don't take their symptoms seriously and don't talk to their doctors about their problems. They don't know that depression has a physical cause; it is not a sign of weakness or a mood that will just go away.

Which of the following details would best support the main idea of this passage?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Jorge doesn't feel like himself anymore.

  • Girls are more likely to suffer from depression than boys.

  • Depression often runs in families.

  • Many people try to hide their depression and avoid getting help.
