Creado por roatf1
hace alrededor de 10 años
what is anaemia?
types of anaemia by cell size?
what are the microcytic anaemias?
normocytic anaemias?
when to suspect marrow failure?
macrocytic anaemias?
what are haemolytic anaemias?
when to transfuse in anaemia?
what are the causes of IDA?
signs of IDA?
tests for IDA?
what to think about with ferritin?
tx IDA?
s/e ferrous sulphate?
why might oral ferrous sulphate not be a go?
what is anaemia of chronic disease?
causes of 2y anaemia?
tests ACD?
tx of anaemia of chronic disease?
s/e EPO?
sideroblastic anaemia?
causes of sideroblastic anaemia?
what is poikilocytosis?
what is anisocytosis?
what is a ring sideroblast?
where do we see anisocytosis?
what are acanthocytes?
what is basophilic RBC stippling?
what are blasts?
burr cells?
cabot rings?
dimorphic picture on PBF?
what are howell jolly bodies?
when is hypochromia seen?
what are pappenheimer bodies?
when is poikilocytosis seen?
when are reticulocytes seen?
left shift?
right shift?
what is rouleau formation?
what are target cells?
what are the causes of neutrophilia?
what is a normal neutrophil count?
causes of neutropenia?
what is the normal leukocyte count?
causes lymphocytosis?
what kinds of lymphocytes are seen in EBV infection?
causes lymphopaenia?
what is a normal CD4 count?
normal eosinophil levels?
eosinophila causes?
what is HES?
causes of monocytosis?
basophilia causes?
macrocytic anaemia causes?
what are megaloblasts?
tests in macrocytic anaemia?
what might a bone marrow bx show in macrocytic anaemia?
where do we get folate?
causes of folate def?
where is folate absorbed?
tx of folate deficiency?
folate + HD
folate + cognition?
where is B12 found?
what happens in B12 deficiency?
causes of B12 deficiency?
general features of B12 deficiency?
neuro features of B12 def?
what are the general features of anaemia?
what is subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord?
what is the classical presentation of subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord?
what is pernicious anaemia?
associations of PA?
general tests in PA?
specific PA test?
tx of PA?
how to know if PA is improving?
px B12 deficiency?
name some non-dietary, non AI causes of B12 deficiency?
haemolytic anaemia basics?
where are the extravascular sites of haemolytic anaemia?
what questions to ask in an approach to haemolysis?
how to tell if increased RBC breakdown?
how to tell if increased RBC production?
what are the features of extravascular haemolysis?
features of intravascular haemolysis?
what are the causes of haemolytic anaemia?
what are the acquired immune causes of haemolytic anaemia?
acquired non immune causes of haemolyitic anaemia?
drug induced immune mediated cooms +ve causes of haemolytic anaemia?
what is AIHA (coombs +ve)?
warm AIHA?
cold AIHA?
causes of AIHA?
what is paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria?
what are the causes of AHIA w/ -ve coomb's?
what infections cause haemolytic anaemia?
what is paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria?
what enzyme defect hereditary dz can cause haemolytic anaemia?
what is G6PD deficiency?
what is pyruvate kinase deficiency?
membrane defects that cause hereditary haemolytic anaemia?
what haemoglobinopathies might cause haemolytic anaemia?
what is a coombs test?
how might the blood film help in haemolytic anaemia?
what does a +ve coombs test mean?
what is MAHA?
causes of MAHA?
tx MAHA?
what is sickle cell anaemia?
SCD vs trait
pathogenesis of SCD?
tests for SCD?
ideally SCD should be diagnosed...
signs/sx of SCD?
what is a vaso-occlusive crisis?
aplastic crisis?
sequestration crisis?
complications of SCD?
mangt chronic dz SCD?
prevention SCD?
how to manage an SCD crisis?
what is acute chest syndrome in SCD?
tx acute chest syndrome in SCD?
what are the thalassaemias?
what types of thalasssaemia are there?
what causes the beta thalassaemias?
what tests to do in thalassaemia?
beta thalassaemia minor/trait?
beta thalassaemia intermedia?
cooley's anaemia?
tx osteopenia in b thal major?
tx of beta thal major?
film in beta thal major?
tx of the beta thals?
s/e of iron chelators?
what are the alpha thalassaemias?