This is the flag of the USA the UK the Republic of Ireland Australia Canada New Zealand( the USA, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand ).
This is the flag of the UK the USA the Republic of Ireland Australia Canada New Zealand( the UK, the USA, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand ).
This is the flag of the Republic of Ireland the UK the USA Australia Canada New Zealand( the Republic of Ireland, the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand ).
This is the flag of Australia the UK the USA the Republic of Ireland Canada New Zealand( Australia, the UK, the USA, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, New Zealand ).
This is the flag of Canada the UK the USA the Republic of Ireland Australia New Zealand( Canada, the UK, the USA, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand ).
This is the flag of New Zealand the UK the USA the Republic of Ireland Australia Canada( New Zealand, the UK, the USA, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Canada ).
This is the flag of England Scotland Wales the United Kingdom Northern Ireland( England, Scotland, Wales, the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland ).
This is the flag of Northern Ireland England Scotland Wales the UK( Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, the UK ).
This is the flag of Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland the UK( Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the UK ).
This is the flag of Wales Northern Ireland England Scotland the UK( Wales, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, the UK ).
The capital city of England is ...
country: the UK; nation: ❌ country: Wales; nation: ❌ country: Northern Ireland; nation: ❌ country: England; nation: ❌ country: Scotland; nation: ❌