What are metamorphic rocks?
What is 'shearing'?
What other changes can metamorphism cause to a rock?
What is an example of a mineral formed in metamorphic rocks?
What are tectonic plates?
Which plate does Australia lie in?
What is metamorphism?
What are the three major types of metamorphism?
What is foliation?
What can pressure do to floated rock?
What is an example of a non-foliated metamorphic rock?
How are diamonds formed?
Are diamonds regional, contact or dynamic metamorphic rocks?
Give three examples of foliated metamorphic rock
give two examples of non-foliated metamorphic rock
What do scientists use to classify things based on their characteristics?
What are dichtonomous keys?
What kinds of criteria exist for the classification of rocks?
How can you contrast the colours of a rock?
How can you measure the size of crystals and clasts?