Creado por Michelle Ames
hace alrededor de 6 años
What is a grape variety?
What factors do growers consider when choosing a grape variety?
If grapes are not grown from seeds, what two techniques does a grower use to preserve the unique qualities of a variety?
What is a clone?
What is the difference between a clone and a mutation?
What are some mutations of Pinot Noir?
What is cross-fertilisation?
What are the pros and cons of cross-fertilisation?
What is a crossing?
What is a hybrid?
Why are hybrids usually considered inferior to Vitis vinifera?
What is a foxy wine?
What are three popular hybrids?
Why are hybrids important to the wine industry?
What is grafting?
When grafting onto North American rootstock, what is the name for the part of the vine that is Vitis vinifera?
Explain bench grafting.
Explain head grafting.
What are the advantages of head grafting?
Sauvignon Blanc x Cabernet Franc is a _________ known as ________.
Ugni Blanc x Rayon d’Or is a _________ known as _________.
What are the green parts of a vine?
What is an inflorescence?
Why is managing one year old wood vital?
What is the difference between a cane and a spur?
What is permanent wood?
Where are Vitis vinifera vines believed to have been developed?
What is the second most important grape species for commercial purposes?
What are some other native North American vine species used in the wine industry?
What are three other terms for a native grape variety?
What is a famous native grape rarely planted in the rest of the world and why?
True or False: Vinifera grape vines need insects and birds to pollinate them.
What is respiration?
How does temperature effect respiration?
What is transpiration?
What happens if a vine’s stomata close?
What is translocation?
What is weeping?
When does flowering usually take place?
What is physiological maturity in a berry?
How long after veraison does harvest usually take place?
How many days is the time period from bud break to harvest?