Creado por Adrian Gray
hace más de 6 años
A quest narrative.
Simple binary opposition – good v evil.
High stakes – the destruction of the world.
Roller coaster narrative – leading to the big climax.
A disparate band of loners must work together (think Avengers movies).
Fantasy violence (characters may be bloodied and bruised but huge damage can be inflicted on characters and they bounce back.)
To save the world, a moment of self-sacrifice will be needed.
The heroes are conventionally handsome; the villains disgusting or just less attractive.
A romantic sub-plot involving the protagonist.
Moments of comedy to leaven the serious moments.
Good will triumph over evil.
These are franchise movies – sequels and prequels are common.
Spectacular special effects, use of CGI.
Merchandise associated with movie and characters
Summer release, competing with other blockbusters.
Large budgets, A-list stars.
Narrow escapes at the last moment.
A back story that explains the behaviour of the protagonist.
Iconography of sci-fi (costume = lycra skin tight, lasers); futuristic props, costume and setting that represent the scientific advancement at the centre of the film.
Imperial power and pockets of lawlessness (rebels, pirates, outlaws)
New weapons of mass destruction that can destroy entire civilisations.