Creado por Sarah Purcell
hace casi 6 años
Occipital lobe anatomy image
Connections to the visual cortex image
Subdivisions of the Occipital Lobe image
Summary of the Visual Processing Hierarchy image
Major parietal lobe gyri and sulci image
Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic
regions image - parietal lobe
von Economo’s cytoarchitectonic
regions image - parietal lobe
Summary of major symptoms of parietal-lobe damage
Standardized clinical neuropsychological tests
for parietal-lobe damage
Lateral view of Temporal Lobe image
Auditory and Visual areas of Temporal Lobe image
Medial View of Temporal Lobe image
Brodmann’s areas of Temporal Lobe image
Von Bonin and Baileys areas of Temporal Lobe image
Major Intracortical
Connections of the
Monkey’s Temporal Lobe image
Summary of major symptoms of temporal-lobe damage
Standardized clinical neuropsychological tests
for temporal-lobe damage
Spinal (spinal cord) image
Low decerebrate (hindbrain) image
High decerebrate (midbrain) image
(hypothalamus, thalamus) image
Decorticate (basal ganglia) image
Typical (cortex) image
Comparison of Cortical Layers image
Multisensory Areas in
the Monkey Cortex image
Summary of studies demonstrating
anatomical asymmetry
Right temporal
lobectomy - lateralized lesions
Left temporal
lobectomy - lateralized lesions
Summary of data on cerebral lateralization
Summary of handedness in
performing various tasks
Variations in anatomical asymmetry
related to handedness
Tasks favoring men image
Tasks favoring women image
Sex difference: Effects of Injury on Verbal and Performance IQ image
Interhemispheric effect
3 symptoms that do not fit with the visuomotor view of temporal lobe damage
Somatosensory symptoms of Parietal Lobe lesions
Somatoperceptual disorders
Simultaneous extinction
Blind touch
Balint's Syndrome
Contralateral Neglect
Symptoms of Posterior Parietal lobe damage
Gertmanns Syndrome
Parietal Lobe Main Functions
Temporal Lobe Main Functions
Effects of left- and
right-parietal lesions compared
Temporal Lobe Damage
Medial Temporal Cortex
Temporal parietal Junction
Connections of the temporal cortex
5 Major Intracortical connections
Theory of Temporal lobe function
Symptoms of Temporal lobe damage
Localization of Function
7 principles of Brain Organization
Distinguish between a decerebrate and decorticate.
Low Decebrate
High Decerebration
Multimodal (polymodal) cortex
Paralimbic cortex
Primary motor cortex (M1)
Association area
Multisensory Areas in
the Monkey Cortex Explanation
Horizontal Layers of the Cortex
Multiple Representations
Levels of Function
2 Categories of Cortical Neurons
Feedback loops
Binding Problem
Flechsigs Cortical Regions
Lurias Cortical Units
Flechsigs cortical division and Lurias cortical units
Luria - sensation to action
Lurias Model = three assumptions
Felleman and van Essens Model
Specific Afferents
Nonspecific Afferents
2 Types of Multimodal Cortex
Unique properties of the human brain
Four Principles of Asymmetry
Efron's Story
8 Anatomical differences between hemispheres
Double dissociation
What are the methods used to determine principles of cerebral asymmetry
Split brain speech phenomenon
Results of Lesions on Language Asymmetry
Brain Stimulation - Asymmetry
WADA test
Time Sharing Experiments
Evidence of asymmetry in the intact brain
ERPs, PET, fMRI and Asymmetry
Unilateral Specialization Models
Interaction Models
Preferred Cognitive Mode
What happens when the corpus callosum is disconnected?
What is the largest area of asymmetry?
Challenges to measuring behaviour in Neuropyschology
What are the theories of hand preference?
5 Categories of sex differences - Kimura
Evidence AGAINST sex differences being environmental
Goldstein Hormones in Sex differences
Sex differences - research with neurological patients
Theories to explain sex differences of cerebral organization
Fluctuations in Spine Density
Hormonal effects on sex differences of cerebral organization
Evidence for Asymmetry in NON humans
What does asymmetry in nonhumans imply regarding asymmetry in humans?
How might the environment influence cerebral asymmetry?
Sex differences revealed in Functional Imaging Studies
Anatomical differences in brain of females and males
What accounts for individual variation in anatomical organization?
How is the brain of left handers organized relative to right handers?
geniculostriate pathway
tectopulvinar pathway
Primary visual cortex
Figure 13.10
bitemporal hemianopia
nasal hemianopia
Macular sparing
Receptive field
Visual field
Visual Imagery
apperceptive agnosia
associative agnosia
Types of Agnosia
Conclusions from Occipital damage case studies
Visual disorder - Case of DB
Visual disorder - Case of GY
Visual disorder - Case of BK
Visual disorder - Case of JI
Visual disorder - Case of PB
Visual disorder - Case of LM
Visual disorder - Case of DF
Visual disorder - Case of VK
Visual Disorders - Case D patient
Visual Disorders - Case T patient
Top-down sensory processes
5 categories of vision
Vision for action
Action for Vision
Visual Recognition
Visual Space
Visual Attention
Dorsal Stream
Ventral Stream
STS stream occpital
Visual pathways BEYOND the occipital Lobe
polysensory neurons
4 Basic Principles of occiptal cortex connections
Subdivisions of the Occipital Cortex
Tests to study occipital lobe function
What is asymmetrical about spatial cognition in the parietal lobes?
Spatial Attention
Subdivisions of the Parietal cortex
Connections to the Parietal Cortex
Theory of Parietal lobes
3 functional pathways leaving the
posterior parietal region
5 tasks of the parietal lobe
What are the two uses of Spatial Information
What tests can be used to examine parietal lobe function
How could language and arithmetic be used in the parietal lobe
Fundamental Frequency
Cortical Deafness
Cross Modal matching
Visual Processing in the Temporal Lobe
6 Ventral Stream pathways of the temporal lobe
Are faces special?
Asymmetry in face recognition
Asymmetry of Temporal lobe function
Classes of temporal lobe symptoms
What type of clinical tests would be appropriate for identifying temporal lobe injury?
4 Functional Regions of the Frontal Lobe
Primary Motor Cortex
Premotor Cortex
Prefrontal Cortex
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
All of Brodmanns areas
Corollary Discharge
Phineas Gage