Creado por Christian O'Connor
hace casi 6 años
System of land ownership and power where the King owned all the land and could pass any law
Gifts provided by the father of the bride to her new family
First castles built by the Normans
Three defensive features of a stone castle
Three methods of attacking a stone castle
Two stages of training before a knight can be dubbed
Two knights ride towards each other either side of a fence. Each has a lance for knocking the other off his horse.
It was his job to collect rents and taxes. He also had to bring criminals to the lord for punishment.
If a serf managed to escape from the manor for a year and a day he became a ___________
Both serfs and freemen had to pay one tenth of their crops to the local priest.
Thick vegetable soup
W_____ from sheep and l______ from flax were used to make clothes. Animal skin was used to make s_____.
One of the three three open-fields was left fallow every year to allow it recover from growing crops.
Three pastimes enjoyed by peasants on Sundays and holy days
Permission from the lord for a town to have its own government
Held annually in medieval towns. People could buy goods such as spices and silk. Could last for up to three weeks.
Two diseases that were common in medieval times
A plague that killed millions of people in Europe in the 14th century
How did barber surgeons contribute to health and medicine?
Three stages of training to become a master craftsman
Two functions of a guild
Punishment for women guilty of gossiping.
Three features of gothic architecture.
Three vows taken by monks and nuns