Creado por megan.radcliffe16
hace más de 10 años
Why do multicellular organisms need specialised exchange surfaces?
What are the features of an efficient exchange system?
How is the mammalian lung adapted for efficient gaseous exchange?
What is the function of cartilage?
What is the function of Cilia?
What is the function of the goblet cells?
What is the function of the smooth muscle?
What is the function of the elastic fibers?
outline the mechanism of inspiration in mammals.
outline the mechanism of expiration in mammals.
Define Tidal Volume.
Define Vital Capcity.
How does a Spirometer work?
how can a spirometer be used to measure vital capacity?
How can a Spirometer be used to measure Tidal volume?
how can a spirometer be used to measure breathing rate?
How can a Spirometer be used to measure Oxygen uptake?
what data can be collected from a spirometer and how can the data be interpertated?