12.1 Define power and review the bases of individual
12.2 Explain how people obtain power in the organization.
12.3 Discuss the concept of empowerment.
12.4 Provice a profile of power seekers.
12.5 Explain strategic contingencies and discuss how subunits obtain power
12.6 Define organizational politics.
12.7 Define ethics and review the ethical dilemmas that managers and employees face.
12.8 Define sexual harassment and discuss what organizations can do to prevent it and how they should respond to allegations.
Chapter 12.
Bases of individual powers.
Chapter 12
Five Types of power
Chapter 12
How to gain power 4 things.
Chapter 12
Influence tactics 6 things.
Chapter 12
Strategic Contingencies
Chapter 12
What is scarcity?
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
What is organization politics?
Chapter 12
What is political behavior?
Chapter 12
Difference between reactive and proactive politics?
Chapter 12
3 things that help understand morality
Notes from slides
Chapter 12
Define power
Chapter 12
Bases of individual power
Chapter 12
How do people obtain power?
Chapter 12
How do people obtain power?
5 things.
Chapter 12
What is Empowerment?
Chapter 12
What is influence tactics
Chapter 12
Define Strategic Contingencies
How do departments obtain power?
Chapter 12
Situations likely to encourage politicking?
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Reactive politics
Chapter 12
Reducing organziational politics
Chapter 12
Ethics, Systematically thinking about moral consequences of decisions,
Chapter 12
What is ethics?
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Moral disengagement mechanism
Chapter 12
What can organizations do to promote ethical behavior?