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Creado por Angela Bolinger
hace más de 10 años
A land or Boundary Survey locates property corners and boundary lines
Topographic map accurately show the shape of the earth by the use of contour lines.
A Route Survey will produce a closed traverse.
The principle function of a Topographic Survey is to locate elevations and features on the land
Cadastral Maps are large scale maps that accurately show the features in a city or town
A direction measured clockwise or counter clockwise with respects to a compass is called a bearing
If a line actual length is 2", but we need to interpret it at a scale of 1"=200', the length would be 40'
The terms departure and latitude are associated with property closure calculations.
48°40’25” + 25°40’25” = 74°20’50”
In AutoCAD 2015, lasso has been added as a new object selection tool
One characteristic of Geographical maps is that they are drawn at large scales
One degree of longitude is equal always equal to approximately 69 miles
Parallels of longitude are constructed approximately the same distance apart
By default, annotative text placed in model space through a viewport will display in viewports on other layouts that share the same scale
An intermediate contour line is identified by its hidden line type
A map profile can be compared to a top view of a part drawing
P.C. stands for point of end curve when dealing with horizontal curve data.
The point where the initial grade intersects with the final grade is abbreviated PVI (point of vertical intersection)
Contour lines are imaginary lines (on the ground) that connect all points that are the same elevation
If HI is at 234’ and the foresight is read at 4’, the unknown elevation would be 230’
The bearing of a line is N70W - what would true azimuth (from north) be equivalent to?
What is the decimal foot equivalent to 128’9.15”?
The angular measurement of 1372’52” expressed in proper, simplest form would be ...
A type of survey that is conducted as if the earth were flat is referred to as a __________ survey.
The ______ is an imaginary line passing through Greenwich, England and the north and south poles.
As it relates to Latitude & Departure calculations… Latitude = Distance x _________ of the Bearing
Meridians of __________ pass through the north and south poles.
Parallels of ____ are measured from the equator going north and south.
If annotative text is being place in a view port with the scale set to 1”= 100’ feet and the text is expected to be 1/8” high on the plot - text should be created at a height of ______.
What is the interior angle formed between N30°15’10”E and S10°30’E?
The graduated survey tool, read by a level and used by surveyors to determine elevations is referred to as a _____________ rod.
In order to have AutoCAD recognize bearings, ____________ units must be set in the units dialog box.
If you want to draw a line 80’ from the last point at an angle of N4518’08”E, (and dynamic input is turned off) how would it be typed in at the “Specify Next Point” prompt using AutoCAD?
12°34’56” - 6°12’57” =
Arbitrary points established in a survey usually located 100 feet apart are referred to as...
This contour line is always a heavy line weight and holds the elevation value.
This term describes the process of estimating unknown elevation values.
In horizontal curve data, the _____________ angle is between the P.C and P.T. points.
A ________________ contour line shows a much lower elevation.
With architectural dimension style, text is orientated ...
Which of the following cannot be used to insert a block into a drawing?
To display the Attribute Definition dialog box, access the ____ command.
If the value of the attribute should always be the same, select the ____ mode when you create the attribute.
Blocks containing attributes are created using the ____ command.
Blocks containing attributes are inserted into a drawing using the ____ command.
A value that defines custom properties such as positions, distances, and angles for objects in a dynamic block is called a(n) ____.
What is the meaning of the yellow alert icon that may appear next to a parameter in the Block Editor?
Most important factor when selecting the scale for a section is...
Which parameter and action would you use to allow a door to be placed on either side of a wall?
Which type of value set would you use to specify valid values of 28, 30, 36, 48, and 52?
Which of the following is not a possible advantage of using a parameter set?
Which command can be used to attach an AutoCAD drawing as an external reference?
Which of the following is not a path type option for attaching external references?
If an xref file named Electrical contains a layer named Wiring, the layer shows up in the host drawing as ____.
To remove an external reference from a host drawing, you can ____ it.
Typical floor plan drawing is ...
The American Institute of Architects is responsible for the Y14.5-2009 dimensioning standard used in mechanical drafting.
In architectural drafting, the location of doors and windows are usually dimensioned to their centers.
The Dimension Style Manager allows you to change the current dimension style.
A block can be redefined in the Block Editor without being recreated.
Attributes are often used as the basis for parts lists and bills of materials.
An attribute is displayed when the block is inserted unless the Verify mode is set.
If the Constant mode is selected, no prompt appears when the block is inserted.
Attributes provide an efficient way to automate the creation of title blocks.
To open a block in the Block Editor during its creation, check the Dynamic check box in the Block Definition dialog box.
The label that indicates the purpose of a parameter is called a tag.
A dynamic block can contain either geometric constraints or action parameters, but not both.
Once you define and insert a block, only constraint parameters, action parameters, or actions influence the block’s geometric constraints.
Only one xref can be attached to a drawing at a time.
An advantage of using external references is smaller file sizes.
Xrefs must be reloaded manually each time you open the host drawing.
Typically wall and base cabinets are omitted from a floor plan.
It is typical to note number of stair risers on a floor plan.
A jamb is a shelf or slab of stone, wood, or metal at the foot of a window or doorway.
Architectural dimensions are unbroken lines with dimensions placed above the line.
Curved leaders sometimes used to eliminate confusion
Top of the steel elevations notes are important in the determining how two beams are connected
A kip is a unit a measure dealing with length of a beam
Furniture and people would be considered dead loads
TS is the designation for structural tee shape
Structural pipe comes in 3 sizes with the difference being the inside diameter.
Framing plans are shown in the elevation view
A fabrication detail (shop Drawing) would not contain hole location
The 4th number in an angle shape designation is the thickness of the material
If a tee shape was made from a W24x76 it would be WT24x76
If a weld is to be done in the field, a note should be placed in the tail of the weld reference line
What is the difference between a distributed load and a concentrated load?
Discuss the difference between shop and engineering drawing.
Name three elements that would appear on a structural steel shop drawing that would not appear on the engineering drawing
What's the difference between live load and dead load
The line side of a polarized capacitor symbol indicates the negative side.
When designing a circuit board, direction and orientation of components should be considered.
The three connections of a transistor are the base, cathode and emitter.
The primary and secondary sides reference the ends of a transformer.
Transistors are noted using their catalog number.
If a line with an arrow crosses through a capacitor symbol, we could assume it adjustable.
The shorter line on the battery symbol indicates the positive side.
A wire harness diagram (the nail board) is usually drawn NTS
A lineless connection diagram would contain a table to note to, from, and other information regarding connections.
A transformer symbol resembles half of an inductor symbol
Inventor’s nailboard option will create the idw file of the harness.
As it relates to wire selection, solid conductors offer superior handling and flexing qualities.
Baseline diagrams feature components drawn in their approximate exact location within the assembly.
Inventor offers both manual and automatic routing of cables and wires.
Destination codes are used on both baseline and highway diagrams
This type of washer has most superior holding ability by cutting into the chassis and also is a good for ground.
To simplify the rating of a resistor, which of the following may be considered...
Which is not true regarding reference designator box?
This wire type often used in radio and television antenna systems is designed to exclude or contain undesirable radiation interference.
This component can be general, polarized, or adjustable.
The 4th color band of a resistor represents...
Regarding schematics and use of the non-dot system,...
a. a dot is placed at all crossovers.
b. a dot is placed at all T intersections c. a dot is placed only at T intersections.
d. none of the above
During the Inventor Harness exercise, Connector Authoring was used to ….
The core of a transformer can be determined by....
A resistors are valued in Ohms and rated in _______________.
Point-to-Point Connection Wiring Diagram:
Highway Connection Wiring Diagram
Baseline Connection Wiring Diagram
1.Prevents damage to assemble
2.Quality control easier
3.High priced technicians may not be needed for installation and servicing
1. Utilize Reference Designators
2. Can be done in dot or non dot method
Opposes the flow of electrons in a circuit
Has a primary and secondary section
One end is referred to as anode
farads, voltage, and tolerance
Rating in Heneries
DC current source
Electronic devices in a single package
Open and closes a circuit
Return the circuit directly to earth