Creado por Sotia P.
hace más de 5 años
Which strain of Staphylococcus causes
otitis in carnivores?
Which Staphylococcus causes
Greasy pig disease?
what are cultivation methods
for staphylococci?
Which Staphylococcus has enterotoxins?
What is common for Staphylococcus
on medium?
What is the medium used?
Which strains cause
double haemolysis?
Name 3 coagulase + staphylococci
Name 3 coagulase -
Describe microscopic features
of staphylococci
What does coagulase do?
What are β- lactams?
Which strain is more resistant?
Some characteristics of Staphylococci are:
Which strain causes Nosocomial infections?
Name 5 enzymes found in staphylococci:
What is the agent causing nosocomial infections?
Where can we find TSST?
what does it mean?
Name 5 toxins in staphylococci
What is the function of staphylokinase?
In which species is MRSA common?
Which strain is usually non-pathogenic and acts when you are immunosuppressed?
it is a human saprophyte!
Caused by.........?
Which is the only non-haemolytic strain?
Caused by____in___
Characteristic effect of S. aureus in ovis and capra:
pyogenic infections, opportunistic and endospore production are common for staphylococci
Botryomycosis caused by S. aureus is common in what species?
What is the effect after cultivation on
MacConkey agar?