Creado por Shane Pittman
hace más de 5 años
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Selenium over other testing tools like QTP and TestComplete?
What are the significant changes in upgrades in various Selenium versions?
Explain the different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver.
What is exception test in Selenium?
Why and how will you use an Excel Sheet in your project?
How can you redirect browsing from a browser through some proxy?
What is POM (Page Object Model)? What are its advantages?
What is Page Factory?
What are the different types of WAIT statements in Selenium WebDriver? How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver?
Write a code to wait for a particular element to be visible on a page.
Write a code to wait for an alert to appear.
What is the use of JavaScriptExecutor?
How to scroll down a page using JavaScript in Selenium?
How to scroll down to a particular element?
How to handle keyboard and mouse actions using Selenium?
What are different types of frameworks?
Which files can be used as data source for different frameworks?
How can you fetch an attribute from an element? How to retrieve typed text from a textbox?
How to send ALT/SHIFT/CONTROL key in Selenium WebDriver?
How to take screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?
How to set the size of browser window using Selenium?
How to handle a dropdown in Selenium WebDriver? How to select a value from dropdown?
How to switch to a new window (new tab) which opens up after you click on a link?
. How do you upload a file using Selenium WebDriver?
Can we enter text without using sendKeys()?
Explain how you will login into any site if it is showing any authentication popup for username and password?
Explain how can you find broken links in a page using Selenium WebDriver?
Which technique should you consider using throughout the script “if there is neither frame id nor frame name”?