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hace más de 5 años
Define erosion
Define weathering
Define mass movement
Define transportation
Define hydraulic action
Define abrasion
Define attrition
Define solution
Define freeze thaw weathering
Define chemical weathering
Define biological weathering
Define slumping
Define sliding
Define traction
Define saltation
Define suspension
Define solution
Define concordant coasts
Define discordant coasts
Define waves
Define constructive waves
Define destructive waves
What are the factors affecting waves
What are the effects of stormy weather
How does UK's climate affect coastal erosion and recession
Describe the diagram of headlands and bays
Describe the formation of headlands and bays
Describe the diagram for wave cut platforms
Describe the formation of wave cut platforms
Describe the diagram for caves, arches, stacks and stumps
Describe the formation of caves, arches, stacks and stumps
Describe the diagram for bars
Describe the formation of bars
Describe the diagram for spits
Describe the formation of spits
Define hard engineering
Define soft engineering
Define sea walls
What are the advantgaes of sea walls
What are the disadvantages of sea walls
Define groynes
What are the adavantages of groynes
What are the disadvantages of groynes
Define rip rap
What are the advantages of rip rap
What are the disadvantages of rip rap
Define beach nourishment
What are the advantages of beach nourishment
What are the disadvantages of beach nourishment
Define dune regeneration
What are the advantages of dune regeneration
What are the disadvantages of dune regeneration
Define managed retreat
What are the advantages of managed retreat
What are the disadvantages of managed retreat
Define do nothing
What are the advantages of do nothing
What are the disadvantages of do nothing