Creado por Romani Davies
hace alrededor de 10 años
Who choreographed 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What company first performed 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café and when?
Who created the music for 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
Who designed the set and costume for 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
Who created the lighting for 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What is the staging like in 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
How many dancers are in 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What is the choreographic style of 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What is the theme of 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What was the starting point/stimuli for 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
What is the structure of 'Still Life' at the Penguin Café?
Who choreographed 'The Nutcracker'?
What company first performed 'The Nutcracker' and when?
Who composed the music for 'The Nutcracker'?
Who was the costume and set designer for 'The Nutcracker'?
How many dancers perform 'The Nutcracker'?
What is the dance style of 'The Nutcracker'?
What is the choreographic style of 'The Nutcracker'?
What is the starting point/ stimuli of 'The Nutcracker'?
What is the theme of 'The Nutcracker'?
What is the structure of 'The Nutcracker'?
Why do you warm-up?
What are the four stages of an effective warm-up?
Why do you lose hydration?
Why must you replace the water and salts lost through de-hydration?
When does lactic acid build up in muscles?
What is the most effective way to stay hydrated and keep muscles working to an optimum level?
What does a healthy diet consist of?
What do muscles need?
Why must we do gentle pulse rushing activity in the warm up?
Why must we cool-down?
What must a cool-down include?
How do you deal with minor injuries?
When is it appropriate to wear clothing in layers?
Rehearsing Safely- what is in a safe space?
What is lactic acid?
What is a dynamic stretch?
What are actions?
What are the five main categories of actions?
What are the positions on the stage?
What are dynamics?
Why are dynamics important?
Name 5 words describing dynamics
What is a stimulus?
What is a motif?
What structure did you use in your solo?
Describe a highlight or climax you created for your solo composition take?
Why are climaxes/ highlights important?
Describe one motif you have learnt from the professional dance?
Give four ways in which you developed the motif you have described in your solo composition task?
Name some choreographic devices
Describe accumulation
Describe counterpoint
What does the music add to a piece?
Name some technical performing skills
What are expressive skills?
define musicality
What are technical skills?
Why can colours be used in a physical setting?
what is a backdrop?
Who was the set and costume designer for 'The Nutcracker'?
Who created the lighting for 'The Nutcracker'?