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TEDSS stands for Transportation and Environmental Disaster Support System.
An email is entirely electronic and requires that paper copies of the message can be created.
Highways that may become slightly blocked by radiation can be helpful information also for TEDSS to be effective.
Both the sender and receiver do not necessarily need to be on the same network machine when communicating via electronic mail.
The first networks linking computers had begun to emerge as early as the 1910s.
World Wide Web is responsible for the greatest technology revolution in world history.
The emergence of ICT is explained by the crisis of control in the modern age.
Optical communication provided the hardware basis for internet technology laying the foundations for Industrial Age.
Data and Apple II (both in 1977) gave individuals access to the computer but data sharing between individual computers was either non-existent or largely manual.
Special message-sharing systems leading to email were first developed in the 1960s, independent computer-to-computer networking began with ARPANET in 1969.