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Name the 2 surahs that Mu'adh bin Jabal recited in Maghrib Salah ?
Surah Baqarah and Surah Nisa
Surah Tariq and Surah Shams
Choose the correct answer
Stars were used for the purpose of Navigation
Stars adorn the Sky
Stars tells us the future
Allaah swears an oath by the sky and the earth To highlight their importance (True or False)
On the Day of Judgement people will be dealt according to what is in their -------.
Resurecution is the proof of the creation of human beings from a tiny thing. (True or false)
Secrets will be exposed on the Day of Judgement. (True or False)
Daa'fiq دافق means to gush forth with great force. (True or False)
Select the correct meanings from the below
Saqib - One that is Piercing bright
Sa'ma - Sky
Tariq - One that comes and knocks at Night.
Sulbi - Backbone
Taraaib - Secret
Saraair - Ribs
Revelation is referred to as rain because rain gives life to land, Similarly revelation gives life to the hearts. (True or False)
Kalaam(Speech) is of two types: 1.Speech that makes difference in one's life. 2. Speech that doesn't make any difference in ones life. (True or False)
Action points of Surah Tariq
Qur'an is not for amusement instead we should read, reflect and implement it in our lives
Recite,understand and implement Qur'an in our lives as it will be an intercessor on the Day of Judgement.
Acquire the knowledge of the deen, implement it and spread it so that others also benefit from it.
Be the bridge that takes others to Jannah. Teach the deen to others as well.
Be Patient and do not give up, and keep striving in the way of Allah
Which two Surahs the Holy Prophet ﷺ would recite during Eid and Friday Salah?
Surah Al A'la , Surah Al Ghashiya
Surah Tariq, Surah Abasa
Mu'sabi'hat are the Surahs that begin with the Tasbih of ALLAAH Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala (True or False)
ALLAAH Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala brought everything into existence by just saying Be كن (True or False)
How many scrolls was Ibrahim alayhis salaam given ? Choose
Prophet ﷺ used to recite Al-Al'a in
witr prayer
Sunnah prayer
Hidden deeds are called Yusra. (True or False)
Qad ' dara قدّر is to decree. (True or False)
Who can benefit and take lesson from the reminder?
The one who fears ALLAH(SWT)
The one who fears the burdens of this wordly life
He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself. In reference to the verse 14 Select the correct ones from the below
Tazkiya with regards to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala ; means to abstain from shirk, be it major or minor.
Tazkiya with regards to the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ; is to keep one's self away from bid'dah(innovation in religion)
Tazkiya with regards to people; is to cleanse our heart from ill feeling, jealousy, malice & hatred towards others.
First step towards Tazkiya is to gain knowledge and then implement it . (True or False)
The term Salah refers to the five daily prayers and voluntary prayers. (True or False )
Select the Action points from Surah Ala
Person who fears Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala will benefit from the Qur'an.
The person who purifies himself will be successful.
Stay away from Shirk, bid'dah and ill feeling towards others.
Gain knowledge and implement it.
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala commands us to do dhikr and pray
Do not prefer this temporary worldly life over the eternal life of the hereafter as hereafter is much better and ever lasting
Our goal in life should be to strive for Jannah.
This World is Worthless in Comparison to the Hereafter
Being engrossed in the worldly life prevents us from striving for the reward of the life hereafter.
This Quran is a decisive word. How ? Choose the right answer
It separates the Haq and Batil
It separates the right beliefs and the wrong beliefs
It separates people
And the Quran is no joke. How ? Choose the right answer
Do not take it lightly rather value it's importance
Quran is truly beneficial
Quran should have a great impact on your life