Chelsea Lee
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Test sobre Economics Pretest, creado por Chelsea Lee el 18/02/2015.

Chelsea Lee
Creado por Chelsea Lee hace más de 9 años

Economics Pretest

Pregunta 1 de 50


Which view claims that the phenomenon of globalization was initially driven by the desire of Western economies to exploit their power through multinational enterprises?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The new-force view

  • The long-run historical view

  • The balanced surplus-deficit view

  • The pendulum view


Pregunta 2 de 50


Economic gains come from international trade because one country's exported goods, services, or other items are unique, valuable, and difficult to duplicate to the importing country. Which view does this statement portray?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Institution-based view

  • Country-based view

  • City-based view

  • Resource-based view


Pregunta 3 de 50


What is the aggregation of importing and exporting that leads to the country-level trade surplus or deficit?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Profit

  • Revenue

  • Balance of Trade

  • Loss


Pregunta 4 de 50


What is a cost of foreign direct investment?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Developing countries may be exploited by multinational enterprises (MNE)

  • Human rights firms may help labor force in host countries with multinational enterprise (MNE) influence

  • Host countries welcome political interference by multinational enterprises (MNE) when things are not in favor of the foreign company

  • Local government in host countries may promote corporate social responsibilities on behalf of multinational enterprises (MNEs)


Pregunta 5 de 50


Which type of managerial capability is both challenging and difficult to imitate?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Duplicative capability

  • Intangible capability

  • Factual capability

  • Dualistic Capability


Pregunta 6 de 50


What may precious, rare, and hard-to-duplicate resources and capabilities lead to for a firm?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Sustained competitive disadvantage

  • Sustained comparative advantage

  • Sustained influence

  • Sustained leverage


Pregunta 7 de 50


Which theory of international trade states that poor countries often experience faster rates of economic growth compared to wealthy countries?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The catch-up effect

  • The sustainability effect

  • The income effect

  • The ratchet effect


Pregunta 8 de 50


What is the financial environment in which exchange rates and payments for goods and services are conducted.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Stock exchange

  • Intercontinental exchange

  • International monetary system

  • Commodity exchange


Pregunta 9 de 50


What happens to a country's real exchange rate and nominal interest rate as the price level increases, assuming all other factors are unchanged?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Exchange rate appreciate, interest rates decrease

  • Exchange rates depreciate, interest rates increase

  • Exchange rates appreciate, interest rates increase

  • Exchange rates depreciate, interest rates decrease


Pregunta 10 de 50


What is the easiest method non-financial companies use to handle currency fluctuations?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Foreign direct investment

  • Commodity trading

  • Export sales

  • Currency diversification


Pregunta 11 de 50


Which strategy minimizes the risk of unanticipated changes in future exchange rates?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Sensitivity analysis

  • Currency swap

  • Speculation

  • Spot transaction


Pregunta 12 de 50


A company is looking for a location with an abundance of ground-breaking individuals, firms, and universities. Which type of strategic goal is this company demonstrating?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Efficiency-seeking

  • Natural-resource seeking

  • Innovation-seeking

  • Market-seeking


Pregunta 13 de 50


What advantage comes with not sharing benefits with late entrants?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Early-mover advantage

  • Laggard advantage

  • First-mover advantage

  • Late-mover advantage


Pregunta 14 de 50


Which entry mode is a non-equity arrangement for a company contemplating entry into a foreign market?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Green-fields

  • Acquisitions

  • Licensing

  • Joint-venture


Pregunta 15 de 50


What size commitment is required for a non-equity mode of entry into a foreign market?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Standard commitment

  • Larger commitment

  • No commitment

  • Small commitment


Pregunta 16 de 50


What are two supportive pillars for an informal institution?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Normative

  • Protection

  • Regulatory

  • Cognitive

  • Coercive


Pregunta 17 de 50


What is the key role of an institution, according to the institution-based view?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • To develop a new business culture

  • To reduce uncertainty

  • To identify problems

  • To challenge laws


Pregunta 18 de 50


What are the rules, enforcement mechanisms, and organizations that support market transactions?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Businesses

  • Companies

  • Industries

  • Institutions


Pregunta 19 de 50


What is a core proposition underpinning an institutional-based view of global business?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Substantive rationality

  • Bounded rationality

  • Formal rationality

  • Theoretical rationality


Pregunta 20 de 50


In which type of political system do citizens elect representatives to govern the country on their behalf?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Democracy

  • Communism

  • Monarchy

  • Totalitarianism


Pregunta 21 de 50


Which legal system uses comprehensive lists of rules and written codes?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Property law

  • Tort law

  • Common law

  • Civil law


Pregunta 22 de 50


What are the legal privileges associated with the use of economic property to obtain income and other benefits from its use?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Property propaganda

  • Property rights

  • Universal property

  • Property gains


Pregunta 23 de 50


What is the purpose of having property rights and intellectual property rights?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • To legally protect past owners of the property from its future owners after the sale of it

  • To legally protect the use to tangible and intangible property and allow its lawful owner to derive income and other benefits from it

  • To legally protect the future and past users of the property and allow its future owners all future benefits

  • To legally protect the future of property so that one county can derive income from it and the past users cannot


Pregunta 24 de 50


What are the two popular types of economies?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Mixed economies

  • Market economies

  • Centrally planned economies

  • Open economies


Pregunta 25 de 50


In addition to encouraging efficiency, why might a government intervene in a market?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • To promote equality

  • To prop up self-interest

  • To increase profits

  • To ensure changes


Pregunta 26 de 50


What is the relationship between total and marginal cost?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Marginal cost is the change in total cost divided by the change in quantity

  • Marginal cost is total cost divided by quantity

  • Marginal cost is price multiplied by total cost

  • Marginal cost is quantity multiplied by total cost


Pregunta 27 de 50


A farmer sells wheat in a perfectly competitive market. Which action should the farmer take to maximize profits?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Produce the quantity that minimizes average variable cost

  • Produce at a price were marginal cost equals the average total cost

  • Produce the quantity at the average fixed cost

  • Produce the quantity where the price equals the farmer's marginal cost


Pregunta 28 de 50


What is the economic profit of a competitive firm?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The difference between average fixed cost and price

  • The different between marginal revenue and marginal cost

  • The difference between total revenue and price

  • The difference between total revenue and total cost


Pregunta 29 de 50


Which condition applies when a competitive firm decides to temporarily shut down?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Average variable costs are above the price

  • Marginal costs are above average total costs

  • Marginal costs are above average variable costs

  • Fixed costs are above variable costs


Pregunta 30 de 50


What is the producer's demand curve if the producer sells a differentiated product?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Horizontal

  • Vertical

  • Downward sloping

  • Upward sloping


Pregunta 31 de 50


Which statement describes a competitive firm's demand curve?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • It is identical to a monopoly's demand curve

  • It is perfectly inelastic

  • It lies above the marginal cost curve

  • It is more elastic than a monopoly's demand curve


Pregunta 32 de 50


What is the point at which a monopoly maximizes profit?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Where demand equals marginal cost

  • Where marginal cost equals price

  • Where marginal cost equals marginal revenue

  • Where price equals total cost


Pregunta 33 de 50


What is a characteristic of monopolistic competition?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • A few firms and identical products

  • A few firms and differentiated products

  • Many firms and differentiated products

  • Many firms and identical products


Pregunta 34 de 50


What is a likely outcome of the standard prisoner's dilemma game?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Neither prisoner confesses

  • Both prisoners benefit

  • Only one prisoner confesses

  • Both prisoners confess


Pregunta 35 de 50


How does the prisoner's dilemma help in understanding company behavior in an oligopoly?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Companies lack strategic thinking

  • Companies always reach cooperative solutions

  • Company strategies must consider actions by rival firms

  • Company success is hampered by too many decision makers


Pregunta 36 de 50


What do economists use to represent a consumer's preferences?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Relative prices

  • Budget constraints

  • Indifferent curves

  • Supply curves


Pregunta 37 de 50


What can be assumed that the consumer will buy if it is observes that the consumer's budget constraint has shifted inward?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Fewer normal goods and more inferior goods

  • Fewer normal goods and fewer inferior goods

  • More normal goods and more inferior goods

  • More normal goods and fewer inferior goods


Pregunta 38 de 50


What will happen to the market price and quantity in the short run if there is an increase in market demand in a perfectly competitive market?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The equilibrium price will decrease, and the equilibrium quantity will decrease

  • The equilibrium price will remain unchanged, and the equilibrium quantity will increase

  • The equilibrium price will increase, and the equilibrium quantity will remain unchanged

  • The equilibrium price will increase, and the equilibrium quantity will increase


Pregunta 39 de 50


What will happen to the output of a particular factory when there are negative externalities?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The quantity produced by that factor will be less than the optimal quantity

  • The quantity produced by that factory will be equal to its average total cost

  • The quantity produced by that factory will be greater than the optimal quantity

  • The quantity produced by that factory will be at the optimal quantity


Pregunta 40 de 50


What happens to demand quantity for normal goods as percentage change in income increases?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Demand stays the same

  • Demand increases

  • Demand decreases

  • Demand increases and then decreases


Pregunta 41 de 50


What do the positive or negative numbers of cross-price elasticity of demand represent?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Normal or inferior

  • Substitutes or complements

  • Necessities or luxuries

  • Expensive or inexpensive


Pregunta 42 de 50


What is one way the Federal Reserve influences the reserve ratio?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • By altering deposit requirements

  • By altering reserve requirements

  • By altering capital requirements

  • By altering interest requirements


Pregunta 43 de 50


Which fiscal policy would be most effective at raising consumer spending and expanding aggregate demand?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Reducing government spending

  • Enacting a permanent income tax cut

  • Lowering target interest rates

  • Repeating the tax cut for capital investment


Pregunta 44 de 50


What is the effect of an increase in the money supply in the short run?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Interest rates increase and stock prices increase

  • Interest rates decrease and aggregate demand for goods and services increase

  • Interest rates decrease and stock prices decrease

  • Interest rates increase and aggregate demand for goods and services decrease


Pregunta 45 de 50


How is consumer surplus represented on a graph?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The area between the supply and demand curves

  • The area below the demand curve and above price

  • The area below the demand curve and to the right of the equilibrium point

  • The area below the price and above the supply curve


Pregunta 46 de 50


Which two statements define producer surplus?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The value to buyers minus the cost to sellers

  • The area between the demand and supply curve on a graph

  • The area below the price and above the supply curve on a graph

  • The amount the seller is paid minus the cost of production

  • The value to the sellers multiplied by the cost to sellers


Pregunta 47 de 50


A painter spends $200 on paint. He then bills the homeowner $1,000 to cover his time and his expenses. What is the amount of these transactions that is added to gross domestic product (GDP)?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • $1,200

  • $1,000

  • $800

  • $200


Pregunta 48 de 50


A U.S. state purchases a fleet of new highway patrol vehicles manufactured in Japan. Which two statements correctly describe how the components of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) are affected?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Net exports decrease

  • Net investment decreases

  • Imports decrease

  • Consumption increases

  • Government expenditures increase


Pregunta 49 de 50


A nation ends a tariff on bananas, which is an imported product. What will be the effect on banana prices within that nation?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The price will remain the same

  • The price will be set at a fair standard by importers

  • The price will match the global market price

  • The price will increase


Pregunta 50 de 50


What effect does implementing a new tariff have on the government that implements it?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Tax revenue increases

  • Tax revenue variance is unpredictable

  • Tax revenue remains the same

  • Tax revenue decreases
