
MC Tentamen Week 2

Pregunta 1 de 20


The communication mix of an enterprise exists of:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Corporate communication and marketing communication.

  • . Corporate communication and synergy communication.

  • Marketing communication and synergy communication.

  • Marketing communication and sales communication


Pregunta 2 de 20


Which of the following is not a target group for corporate communication?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Customers and prospects.

  • The government.

  • Public opinion.

  • All of the above are target groups for corporate communication


Pregunta 3 de 20


The primary goal of corporate communication is

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • To communicate new trade restrictions towards customers and prospects.

  • To gain trust from the internal and external target groups.

  • The segmentation of internal target groups.

  • The segmentation of external target groups.


Pregunta 4 de 20


Corporate image plays a big role when;

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The differences between brands become bigger.

  • The differences between brands become smaller.

  • The name of the company differs from the brand name.

  • The name of the company is the same as the brand name.


Pregunta 5 de 20


The most used communication tools for corporate- and marketing communication are

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Ads, public relations, sponsoring and external communication.

  • Ads, public relations, sponsoring, events and internal communication.

  • Ads, public relations, sponsoring, events and external communication.

  • Ads, public relations, sponsoring and internal communication.


Pregunta 6 de 20


A positive corporate image is often the reason a company gains trust from consumers.. trust from consumers is important

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • When products have a high price.

  • When products are complex.

  • . When products and/or services have to be tailor-made.

  • . All of the above.


Pregunta 7 de 20


Commercial activities of a company are influenced by government measures such as

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Subsidies, permits and regulations.

  • Permits, regulations and public affairs.

  • Regulations, subsidies and public affairs.

  • Subsidies, permits and propaganda.


Pregunta 8 de 20


Which of the following statements is right?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Ads and sponsoring are examples of long term marketing communication tools.

  • Events and marketing PR are examples of short term corporate communication tools.

  • Events and sponsoring are examples of long term corporate communication tools.

  • Ads and sponsoring are examples of short term marketing communication tools.


Pregunta 9 de 20


Which of the following statements is right?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • . Personal sales are examples of long term corporate communication tools.

  • Directmarketing communication is an example of short term corporate communication tool

  • Directmarketing communication is an example of long term marketing communication tool

  • Personal sales are examples of short term marketing communication tools.


Pregunta 10 de 20


. Marketing communication instruments based on long term are

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Ads, sponsoring, events, marketing PR.

  • Personal sales, directmarketing communication.

  • Michiel van Dijk Fanclub

  • Events, marketing PR and promotion.

  • Ads, sponsoring, personal sales, directmarketing communication.


Pregunta 11 de 20


Which of the following marketing instruments is not used in marketing communication?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Public relations and ads.

  • Sponsoring and promotions.

  • Events and personal sales.

  • Coordination and control.


Pregunta 12 de 20


Ads are often confused with the following concepts;

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • . Propaganda and public relations.

  • . Propaganda and synergy.

  • Publicity and propaganda.

  • Publicity and synergy.


Pregunta 13 de 20


The differences between ads and promotion are;

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Promotions are only temporary.

  • Promotions are price reductions.

  • Promotions primary goal are realising extra sales.

  • All of the above.


Pregunta 14 de 20


Which of the following statements is false;

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • When shopping, consumers are more inclined to pick a product of which they saw a demo.

  • If a promotion is not well communicated in ads & PR, the result will most likely dissapoint

  • PR and corporate commercials can complement eachother when creating a desired
    company image.

  • If a brand has a strong image, the brand is vulnerable to promotions of other brands


Pregunta 15 de 20


In a strategic planning, you should consider

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The available time.

  • The extent of the market.

  • The consumers buying behaviour.

  • All of the above.


Pregunta 16 de 20


. In the model of the proces of marketing communication the following subject does not occur:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Message in the media.

  • Knowledge and attitude.

  • Alternatives

  • Behaviour

  • Michiel is a superhuman


Pregunta 17 de 20


. Marketing communication is

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • To engage with consumers to influence their knowledge, attitude and behavior in a
    favorable direction.

  • To engage with media to influence their ads promotions in a favorable direction.

  • Direction to engage with governments to influence their public affairs in a favorable

  • To engage with competitors to influence their policy in a favorable direction.


Pregunta 18 de 20


When formulating a public affairs it’s neccesary to adapt to the following criteria:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • . Importance for the company and influence by company

  • Customers and competition.

  • Financial world and public opinion.

  • None of the above.


Pregunta 19 de 20


19. Which of the two following statements are right?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • . Increasing consumerism is of low importance for the company.

  • . Increasing use of alternative energy resources is of low importance for the company.

  • Increasing consumerism is of high importance for the company.

  • Increasing use of alternative energy resources is of high importance for the company.


Pregunta 20 de 20


Which of the two following statements are wrong?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Increasing consumerism is difficult to influence by the company.

  • Increasing use of alternative energy resources is difficult to influence by the company.

  • Increasing consumerism is easy to influence by the company.

  • Increasing use of alternative energy resources is easy to influence by the company.
