1. A normal PR interval measures?
A. 0.12 to 0.20 seconds
B. greater than 0.20 seconds
C. 0.06 to 0.16 seconds
D. 0.20-0.26 seconds
2. In 3rd degree heart block, the SA node generates impulses but those impulses do not go to the ventricles. Therefore, the atrial and ventricles are independent.
3. In 2nd degree, type 2 (Mobitz II), the p-waves (atrial rate) are usually regular while the ventricle rate is irregular. In addition, this pattern tends to be CYCLIC.
4. In 1st degree AV heart block, the p-waves are always accompanied by the QRS complex.
5. 2nd Degree Type 2 Heart Blocks are sometimes called Wenckebach Heart Blocks.
6.Which of the following conditions are not thought to cause atrial fibrillation
A. Mitral stenosis
B. Mitral regurgitation
C. Tricuspid regurgitation
D. Peripheral vascular disease
7. Atrial fibrillation is characetized by random p-waves on the EKG.
8. The R waves in atrial fibrillation are regular.
9.The hallmark of atrial flutter are "saw-tooth" waves, sometimes called F-waves.
10. P-waves are absent in atrial flutter.