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The categories of Makharajai Aam’ma Choose the right answer
Makharajai Muhaq’qaq
Makharajai lisaan
Makharajai Mu’qadr
The fixed points of Makharajai Muhaq’qaq are Choose the right answer
Al Jauf
Al lisaan and Al Halaq
Al shafataan
The areas of Makharajai Mu’qadr are Choose the right answer
Al Halaq
Al Qaishoom
Ghunnah is making a sound from the throat True or false
Gunnah should not be longer than 4 counts True or false
The rule of Ghunnah is used in Al Qaishoom True or false
The Gunnah letters are م and ب True or false
The Haqiqi Ghunnah letters are م and ن with a kasra on the letters True or false
The Huroof which come out from both the lips are called Huroofai Shafaa’wi’yaa True or false
Choose the right answer
Make a small round circle ⭕ of your lips: و
Outer dry areas of closed lips meet: م
Inner moist lips meets : ب
The letter of Makharaj 3 al shafaataan is ف True or false
Al Jauf involves empty space in the mouth and throat True or false
The letters of Al Jauf are the sakin letters True or false
Al lisaan includes Choose the right answer
Tongue and Teeth
Throat and lips
Roof of the tongue
Small dangling flesh just before the throat begins
Ra’sul lisaan is the middle of the tongue True or false
Wasa’tul lisaan is closest to the throat True or false
Aq’sal lisaan is the closest to the throat True or false
Taraful lisaan is the thin front portion towards the front teeth True or false
Hafatul lisaan is the middle portion of the tongue True or false
The lisaan is further divided into Choose the right answer
Front portion closer to the teeth
Middle portion closer to the molars
Back portion closer to the throat
Sanaya oliya is the bottom two incisors True or false
Soufla is the front two incisors True or false
Huroofai Aasaliya involves the drumming sound and its letters are زسص True or false
The letters Lithah’wiya are ذثظ True or false
The letters of Nidh’iiya are ردت True or false
Tarful lisaan includes makhraj 8,9 and 10 True or false
Haa’fiyaa: ض
Shaja’riya: سشى
Laha’diya: قك
A. When the ra’sul lisaan touches the edges of the sanaya oliya and sanaya soufla firmly giving a whistling sound: ز
Touching slightly: س
Touching heavily: ص
The letters of makhraj 6 Lithaviyya are ذنظ True or false
The letters of Nidh’ii’yaa are دتط True or false
The letters of Muth’biqa are ظزصض which are the heaviest of the 7 heavy letters True or false