Creado por eleanorsmith432
hace alrededor de 10 años
Bible - The holy book of Christians
Church - The community of Christians (with a small c it means a Christian place of worship)
Conscience - An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action
The Golden Rule - The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you
Human rights - The rights and freedoms to which everyone is entitled
Political party - A group which tries to be elected into power on the basis of its policies (e.g. Labour, Conservative)
Bible=good authority to make moral decisions
1. Words of God and his direct teachings
2.God's teachings e.g. The Decalogue
3. Jesus' teachings on how to live
4. Letters from disciples on how to behave
Church=best authority to make moral decisions
1. Church=guided by God so they can make decisions.
2. Church=how Jesus works in world. Has the same authority as Christ.
3. God speaks to world through Church. He didn't stop speaking after Bible was wrote.
Why some Christians use their conscience to make moral decisions
1. Conscience is God's voice directing you.
2. Church says use conscience as if it's God.
3. Follow conscience if tells you that Church is wrong.
4. Bible and Church are not direct from God but conscience is.
The role of the Church
Christianity is explained here
Arrange to speak to the priest privately and he will give advice to Christians.
Go to confession=help confront problems & make resolutions.
Groups that support each other=discuss & learn from others experiences.
Churches make formal statements about moral issues & explain their view.
Why some Christians follow situation ethics
1. Jesus over ruled Old Testament e.g. he healed on the Sabbath.
2. Do what only produces good.
3. Jesus taught the only laws were to love God and your neighbour,
Human Rights
In 1998 they were made a part of British law, which includes:
1. Freedom from slavery
2. Right to education
3. Right to marriage and family
4. Right to vote for government
5. Right to your own beliefs and religion
Christianity and Human Rights
Genesis taught us that God created us all and that Eve is the mother of all mankind therefore we are all related to each other so we are all as equal as one another.