What are the differences between oceanic and continental crust?
Explain what causes/the process of convection currents
Destructive plate boundary
Constructive plate boundary
Conservative plate boundary
Collision plate boundary
Define Focus
Define epicentre
Define seismic wave
5 Key features of an earthquake
How do you measure the power of an earthquake?
How do you measure the magnitude of an earthquake?
Name of the graph you plot the information from a seismometre onto
Why are earthquakes hard to predict?
Primary effects of an earthquake
Secondary effects of an earthquake
what causes aftershocks and what effect do they have?
What is a tsunami?
What can be done to improve buildings
What can be done in preparation for an earthquake?
Define a)short term relief
b)long term planning
What is the immediate response to an earthquake?
Define capacity
Define preperation
Define mitigation
Describe an Ash cone
Describe lava domes and spines
Describe calderas
Describe a shield volcano
Describe a composite volcano
What are the a) positives
b) negatives
to living in a volcanic area?
How can you predict a volcanic eruption?