Creado por Michael Priest
hace casi 10 años
Which appliances need earthing?
Describe the action of a circuit breaker (RCCB)
Name the 3 types of radiation
Which type of radiation is most penetrating?
Which type of radiation is most ionising?
Which type(s) of radiation are affected by magnetic fields?
List the types of radiation in order of speed
(fastest to slowest)
What is the potential difference of the mains electricity supply in the UK?
What is the frequency of the mains electricity supply in the UK?
Describe the forces in a star in the Main Sequence
What stage of a star happens after Main Sequence for a star like the Sun
Describe the possible end of a star much bigger than the Sun
Describe the action of a fuse
What is meant by 'direct current'
What is meant by 'alternating current'
Describe the structure of a 3 pin plug
Describe the structure of a 3 core cable
Explain how earthing protects users of appliances with metal cases
What is meant by 'power'
P = E / t
P = power, E = energy, t = time
State the correct units
P = I x V
P = power, I = current, V = potential difference
State the correct units
E = V x Q
E = energy, V = potential difference, Q = charge
State the correct units
Describe the structure of an atom
State the charges of the components of an atom
State two sources of background radiation
What is an ion?
What is an isotope?
What is an alpha particle?
What is a beta particle?
What is a gamma ray?
Why are alpha, beta and gamma radiation dangerous?
What is meant by 'half life'?
What is nuclear fusion?
What is nuclear fission?
Name a nuclear fuel
What is meant by 'chain reaction'
For a star like the Sun, what stage comes before the white dwarf stage?
Elements heavier than iron are produced in which stage of a star's life cycle?
Name one element that is formed in the core of a star