Define a probiotic
The most studied probiotics for human use belong to
Define microbiome
Define pre-biotic
Define gut dysbiosis
Define SIBO
The microbiota of vaginally delivered infants has been observed to be enriched with which species of bacteria
The skin, mouth and gut of children delivered by C-section are colonised by which species of bacteria
List any four functions of the microbiota in the human body
What are the health effects of gut dybiosis
Name 5 biochemical mechanisms/therapeutic actions associated with soluble fibre
List 3 Health benefits of fibre to humans
List 3 functions of the liver
What is largest population of mononuclear cells/macrophages that are located int he liver
What is the importance of Kupffer cells to human health
What are the 2 main ways in which compounds broken down by the liver are excreted?
What are the main group of enzymes involved in phase I detox? What factors affect their optimal function
Name 3 nutrients that support phase I detox
List 3 substances which lower phase I detox
Why might you want to lower phase I detox?
Name the 6 phase II pathways and 2 nutirent substrates for each
Name 3 amino acid that constitute glutathione
List cofactors and nutrients that are required for glutathione regeneration/anti-oxidative cycle. List the 2 enzymes involved in this process
Name any two enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism
What important enzyme in the conversion of essential fatty acids to anti-inflammatory mediators may alcohol inhibit
Which nutrient can reverse alcohol induced fatty liver
Name 5 nutritional considerations to aid alcohol detoxification