Creado por Anna Walker
hace casi 10 años
What is a personality?
When does personality become disorders?
How do we assess personality clinically?
What are the ICD-10 classifications of personality disorders?
Describe the features of a Paranoid PD
Describe the features of a Schizoid PD
Describe the features of a Histrionic PD
Describe the features of an Emotionally Unstable PD
Describe the features of Borderline type Emotionally Unstable PD
Describe the features of an Impulsive type Emotionally Unstable PD
Describe the features of a Dissocial PD (psychopath/sociopath).
Describe the features of an Anankastic PD
Describe the features of an Anxious/Avoidant PD
Describe the features of a Dependent PD
How are PDs diagnosed?
What is the epidemiology of PDs?
What are the DSM clusters of PDs?
What is the aetiology of PDs?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term denial?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term repression?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term distortion?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term splitting?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term idealisation?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term displacement?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term reaction formation?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term projection?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term rationalisation?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term intellectualisation?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term sublimation?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term altruism?
DEFENCE MECHANISMS - what is meant by the term humour?
What makes a defence mechanism maladaptive?
What are the common co-morbidities of PDs?
What concerns are there about the management of a patient with PD?
What are some psychological interventions that could be used for personality disorders?
Describe the pharmacological interventions used in PDs