dabbler c
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dabbler c
Creado por dabbler c hace alrededor de 4 años


Pregunta 1 de 29


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( Residual Risk, Risk Acceptance, Risk Treatment, Risk Tolerance ) is the ( remaining, total ) risk which cannot be defined in more detail after elimination or inclusion of all conceivable quantified risks in a risk consideration. Residual risk is the level of uncontrolled risk remaining after the risk treatment.


Pregunta 2 de 29


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( Risk Acceptance, Risk Treatment, Risk Tolerance, Residual Risk ) is to make an informed decision to accept the ( likelihood, total ) and ( impact, probability ) of a particular risk. Risk Acceptance depends on risk criteria and the risk appetite of Top Management.


Pregunta 3 de 29


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( Key Planing Scenario (KPS), Risk Appetite, Worst Case Disaster Scenario ) provides the ( BC Team, BCP Team ) with a perspective of the ( magnitude, level ) of disaster that an organization is willing to commit the ( resources, human resources ) to mitigate and is acceptable to the organisation. This organisation includes the Executive Management, Organization BCM Coordinator, BCP team, DRP team and the Crisis Management Team.


Pregunta 4 de 29


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A Man-made Threat is an event resulting from ( human intent, sabotage ), negligence, or error. It is divided into into two category: ( human, management ) or ( technology, financial ).


Pregunta 5 de 29


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( Natural Threat, Technology Threat ) is a threat resulting from the effect of ( nature, environment ) that may cause a disruptive ( impact, effect ) to an organization.


Pregunta 6 de 29


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( Period of Disruption, Key Planning Scenario ) is the expected ( residual, existing ) disruption resulting from each identified threats, taking into consideration existing controls. The period of disruption is an estimated duration during which the organization’s operations are disrupted (( operationally, intentionally )), or access to the primary location is denied (( infrastructure, premise )).


Pregunta 7 de 29


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A ( Threat, Disaster, Hazard ) is an indication or warning of probable man-made or natural situation that can cause ( disruption, disturbance ) to an organization’s operations or services.


Pregunta 8 de 29


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The disruption caused by the occurrence of the ( threat, disaster ). It can be operational in nature, causing disruption to the ( functionality, revenue ) of the organization, or infrastructure in nature which will deny access to or usage of the primary ( location, site ).


Pregunta 9 de 29


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( Worst Case Scenario, Key Planning Scenario ) is the worst possible ( condition, situation ) or outcome out of the several ( possibilities, alternatives ) in planning for a ( disaster, crisis ).


Pregunta 10 de 29


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( Risk Analysis, Risk Rating, Risk Assessment ) is the process to evaluate and determine the risk rating, which is the product of ( risk likelihood, likelihood ) and ( risk impact, impact ).


Pregunta 11 de 29


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( Risk Appetite, Risk Impact, Risk Level ) is amount and the type of risks that an organization is willing to take in or absorb.


Pregunta 12 de 29


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( Risk Assessment, Risk Appetite, Risk Likelihood, Risk Impact ) is the overall process of ( risk identification, risk determination ), ( risk analysis, risk assessment ) and risk evaluation.


Pregunta 13 de 29


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( Risk Avoidance, Risk Treatment ) is to make an informed decision not to become involved in or to withdraw from a risk situation.


Pregunta 14 de 29


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( Risk Evaluation, Risk Appetite, Risk Assessment, Risk Level ) is the process used to compare the estimated risk against the given risk criteria so as to determine the significance of the risk.


Pregunta 15 de 29


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( Risk Impact, Risk Appetite, Risk Likelihood, Risk Rating, Impact ) is an outcome resulting from a threat that will impact an organization objectives or assets.


Pregunta 16 de 29


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( Risk Level, Risk Appetite, Risk Likelihood, Risk Impact ) is the overall level of assessed risk to the risk rating.


Pregunta 17 de 29


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( Risk Likelihood, Risk Appetite, Risk Impact, Risk Rating ) is the state of being probable or chance of a threat occurring.


Pregunta 18 de 29


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( Risk Mitigation, Risk Reduction ) is to implement measures so as to lower the exposure to the risk.


Pregunta 19 de 29


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( Risk Rating, Risk Level ) is the result of the multiplication of the assigned value for Risk Likelihood against the assigned value of ( Risk Impact, Risk Appetite ).


Pregunta 20 de 29


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( Risk Reduction, Risk Treatment, Risk Mitigation, Risk Transference ) is to take appropriate actions to lessen the likelihood, negative consequences or both, associated with a risk.


Pregunta 21 de 29


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( Risk Tolerance, Risk Acceptance, Residual Risk ) is the amount if risk that an organization is willing to accept or be exposed to.


Pregunta 22 de 29


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( Risk Transference, Risk Treatment ) refers to the shifting of the burden of loss for a risk to another party through legislation, contract, insurance or other means.


Pregunta 23 de 29


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( Risk Treatment, Risk Management, Risk Tolerance, Residual Risk ) is the selection and implementation of appropriate options for dealing with risk.


Pregunta 24 de 29


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A ( Crisis Event, Crisis Scenario ) is an event (or occurrences that happen over a period of time) leading up to the crisis can pertain to people or human resources.


Pregunta 25 de 29


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A ( Crisis Scenario, Crisis ) describes a situation that might disrupt the business.


Pregunta 26 de 29


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( Impact, Risk Impact ) is an evaluated consequence of a particular effect due to the cause, such as a threat.


Pregunta 27 de 29


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( Hazard, Threat, Risk ) is potential harm or damage, or a situation which poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment.


Pregunta 28 de 29


What is the biggest benefit of a successfuly Risk Analysis and Review phase

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Improved cost-effective controls

  • Threat reduction


Pregunta 29 de 29


Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the an organization's BCM Coordinator during the Business Impact Analysis phase

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Determine data collection process and format

  • Identify critical business function
