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Creado por Olivia Graham
hace casi 10 años
Black Death
The Great Plague
Chadwick's 'Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population'
The 1st Public Health Act
The 2nd Public Health Act
Pasteur's Germ Theory
Pasteur's Chicken Cholera Vaccine
Harvey's 'Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood'
Vesalius' 'Fabric of the Human Body'
John Snow maps out deaths due to Cholera Outbreak
Bazalgette's work on London's sewerage system
London's Metropolitan Board of Works established
Jenner's Smallpox Vaccination
Smallpox completely eradicated
Snow's 'On the Mode of Communication of Cholera'
The Great Stink
Crimean War begins
Nightingale Training School for Nurses set up at St Thomas'
Nightingale's 'Notes on Nursing'
Nightingale's 'Notes on Hospitals'
Institut Pasteur established
Koch found the germ that caused Anthrax
Koch discovered the germ that caused Septicaemia
Koch found the germ causing TB
First X-Ray
(Wilhelm Rontgen)
First use of Radiotherapy
(Emil Grubbe)
First CT Scan
(Godfrey Hounsfield)
(Willen Kolff)
Structure of DNA discovered
(Watson and Crick)
Establishment of the NHS
Liberal Welfare Reforms
Joseph Lister noticed a bacteria called Penicillin
(no evidence)
Lister treats a nurse's infected wound with Penicillin
Fleming sent to France to study soldiers' wounds
Fleming discovers the staphylococci bacteria has disappeared from the petri dish
Fleming writes about Penicillin in a medical journal
Florey and Chain went to America to get funding for reseach
The first test of Penicillin on Albert Alexander
The USA starts mass producing penicillin
Britain mass produce Penicillin
Prescription Charges Introduced
Prescription charges abolished
Prescription charge brought back
Walter Cannon uses a Barium Meal
Henry Dale discovers Histamine
Frederick Banting and Charles Best discover Insulin
Edgar Allen discovers Oestrogen
Ernst Laqueur isolated Testosterone
Invention of the Electron Microscope
Syntex developed Norethisterone which lead to the production of contraceptive pills
Leroy Stevens discovered Stem Cells
Patrick Steptoe developed IVF
Louise Brown - The first test tube baby
Endoscopes developed
MRI scans developed
In the Visible Human project
The Human Genome project
Gunther Von Hagens performed live dissections on TV
Use of Thalidomide
Joseph Salk discovered a Polio vaccine
American surgeons implanted electrodes connected into a miniature computed into the visual cortex of a blind man
Salverson 606 developed to treat Syphilis - Paul Ehrlich
Prontosil developed by Domagk
The Printing Press developed
Martin Luther posted his 'Ninety-Five Theses' which began the Protestant Reformation
Ambroise Pare developed ligatures
Antony van Leeuwenhoek created a superior microscope that magnifies up to 200x
Inoculation first used in Europe - Lady Mary Montague
Industrial Revolution
Cholera Epidemic
Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman doctor in USA
Doctors' Qualifications had to be regulated
Elizabeth Garrett-Anderson becomes the first female doctor in the UK
The UK government starts to introduce laws against the pollution of rivers, the sale of poor quality food and building regulations were enforced
Isolation hospitals were set up for patients with infectious diseases
Marie Curie discovers radioactive elements radium and polonium
Emergency hospital scheme introduced - Funded and ran by government
National Health Service Act
First kidney transplant (America)
Contraceptive pill introduced
Christiaan Barnard (South Africa) performed the first heart transplant - the patient lived for 18 days
National Organ Donor register created