Trevor Pritchard
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Test sobre CBC Ottawa news quiz for the week of Aug. 23, creado por Trevor Pritchard el 27/08/2020.

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Trevor Pritchard
Creado por Trevor Pritchard hace alrededor de 4 años

CBC Ottawa news quiz for the week of Aug. 23

Pregunta 1 de 10


Which public spaces are now included in the city's expanded mandatory mask bylaw?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • City parks and green spaces.

  • Common areas of apartment buildings and condominiums, including lobbies and elevators.

  • Parking lots outside grocery stores.

  • All sidewalks throughout the city.


Pregunta 2 de 10


What explanation did the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board give this week for passing a budget with its largest deficit ever?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • A large increase in student enrolment.

  • The costs are associated with building new schools.

  • Accounting irregularities in last year's budget.

  • Increased costs related to COVID-19, as well as extra spending stemming from renegotiated collective agreements.


Pregunta 3 de 10


Uber will now be permanently available in cities across Quebec including Gatineau, after years of fighting between Uber, the taxi industry and the Quebec government. Why is Uber now able to expand into Quebec?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Taxi drivers' unions have agreed to allow Uber into the market.

  • Uber is ignoring protests from the taxi industry and pushing ahead with expansion.

  • Bill 17, which deregulates the province's taxi industry, comes into effect in October.

  • The federal government has announced legislation paving the way for Uber to enter markets across Canada.


Pregunta 4 de 10


The Vanier Sugar Shack was heavily damaged by fire on Thursday. What is unique about the sugar shack at the Vanier Museopark?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • It is one of only a few active urban sugar shacks.

  • It was the oldest sugar shack in Canada.

  • It's known as having the most delicious maple syrup in Ontario.

  • The sugar bush in Vanier is the largest in the world.


Pregunta 5 de 10


Why have school buses in Ottawa been delayed until Sept. 14?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Operators need more time to deep clean buses before the start of school.

  • The transportation authority needs time to adapt to last-minute changes to school schedules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The transportation authority is facing a shortage of bus drivers.

  • Officials have decided to wait and see how smoothly the first week back to school runs before starting bus routes.


Pregunta 6 de 10


What is the meaning behind the expression "COVID-19 long-haulers"?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • People who have had to travel long distances to receive medical attention for COVID-19.

  • Patients who have had to wait in line for hours to be tested for COVID-19.

  • Experts who view the COVID-19 pandemic as something that will not disappear for a long time to come.

  • People who contracted COVID-19 weeks or even months ago, and continue to experience symptoms.


Pregunta 7 de 10


Who said at Wednesday's city council meeting that COVID-19 cases in Ottawa have "stabilized," but that things could change quickly?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Mayor Jim Watson

  • Coun. Keith Egli

  • A family physician invited to speak

  • Dr. Vera Etches


Pregunta 8 de 10


Ottawa's largest school board says it will reduce the number of students per class in which neighbourhoods?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Those with the highest population density.

  • Those where the spread of COVID-19 has been relatively high.

  • Those with the highest concentration of teachers living nearby.

  • Those considered most at risk for future outbreaks of COVID-19.


Pregunta 9 de 10


Mayor Jim Watson asked city council to formally denounce the controversial practice of conversion therapy. He said he planned to also ask the federal government to do what?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Denounce the practice across Canada.

  • Reintroduce a bill criminalizing the controversial practice during the upcoming session of Parliament.

  • Provide funding to those who have undergone the therapy.

  • Study the effects on people who have undergone the therapy.


Pregunta 10 de 10


Trustees at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board rejected a plan to make masks mandatory for students in Kindergarten to Grade 3. Instead, it adopted what type of language around mask use for younger students?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • They will "encourage" mask use for younger students.

  • They "don't recommend" mask use for younger students.

  • Mask use for younger students "won't be encouraged."

  • They "wish" mask use for younger students had been mandated.
