Creado por Melissa Guille
hace más de 9 años
Who said ‘care’ needs need to be met before children can function & play properly?
Who said children pass through stages of play-Mastery 0-2, Symbolic, 2-7, Play with rules 7-11.
Practice in play is vital?
Who said children pass through stages of social play?
Who said teachers are Directresses & direct & guide the children? Who said learning equipment not toys? Who did not believe that pretend play was not important?
Who said children play creates a zone of proximal development in which children function at a high level?
Who said children need enactive learning (learning by doing) from equipment given by adults.
Play is a tool for children to develop intellectually.
Who said there are 12 features of play?
Who said ‘play spiral’.
Who said indoor & outdoor play is vital. Who called his schools kindergardens.
Who said play can be encouraged through natural materials? Singing, dancing, stories vitally important.
Who said ‘the hundred languages of children’
Who said through woodland experience & through play children can learn about the natural environment
Who said ‘exploration’ is an essential principle; the importance of spontaneous play is acknowledged for confidence building & control of their bodies
Who said ‘Taxonomy of play types’ (16 different play types)?
Who said ‘children love play because they love stories’? Pretend play is an essential part of achieving academic goals & learning to live with & understand others?
Who said play projects should be built on children’s interests, ideas questions & experiences.