Creado por Tim Krueger
hace más de 4 años
What is gestational diabetes
Class A Gestational Diabetes
(White's classification)
Class B Gestational Diabetes
(White's classification)
Glucose crosses the placenta?
Insulin crosses the placenta?
Around the_____ week of gestation the fetus begins to produce its own _______
During the 1st trimester, metabolic changes occur, caused by rising levels of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones stimulate the production of insulin, causing fasting glucose levels to fall by approximately ________?
As a result of normal metabolic changes. Pregnant women with _________ diabetes, are prone to ______ during the first trimester.
During the first trimester insulin needs ______
During the second trimester insulin needs ______
During the third trimester insulin needs ______
Insulin needs usually level off after _____ weeks of gestation
Day of birth: insulin needs _____
Insulin needs of a non-breastfeeding mother are ______
The insulin needs of a breast feeding mother generally return to normal after _______
Breastfeeding causes a _____ in insulin needs
Target blood glucose during pregnancy
Target blood glucose during pregnancy
1 hr postmeal
Target blood glucose during pregnancy
2 hr postmeal
Target blood glucose during pregnancy
2 am to 6 am
When is hyperglycemia most likely to be identified in relation to meals, and why?
Signs and symptoms
No increase in risk of birth defects has been found among infants of woman who develop GDM after the first trimester.
A BMI of _____ also contributes to the development of congenital defects even without GDM
Care management for GDM includes:
Indicators that warrant early GDM screening include:
Screening for GDM consists of a 50g glucose load followed by a plasma glucose test 1 hr later. Fasting not required. What is considered a positive result?
In cases of a positive GDM screen, a 2step test is performed. In the 2nd step, a 100g glucose load is delivered and followed with a 3hr oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
Positive 3hr results include:
24-28 week screening consists of a
75g OGTT and is considered positive if ....
Antepartum interventions for GDM include
Antepartum blood glucose goals for GDM are
Antepartum dietary goals for GDM arm
Pharmacologic therapy for GDM includes
What is the preferred oral hypoglycemic in GDM patients?
Does metformin cross the placenta?
Fetal surveillance is recommended in which GDM patients
Fetal surveillance consists of
Intrapartum interventions for GDM include
Intrapartum blood glucose goals are
Is GDM an indicator for cesarean birth?
What are some postpartum risks for GDM patients?
Most women's blood glucose_____________after birth involving GDM
What is macrosomia