Creado por Heidi C
hace casi 10 años
What was decided at the Yalta conference?
What was decided at the Potsdam conference?
What was the Iron curtain?
What is the Truman doctrine?
What is Marshall Aid?
How was Germany divided after the war?
What was the Berlin Blockade?
What was the Berlin Airlift?
Why did Stalin blockade Berlin?
What does NATO mean and when was it set up?
What was NATO (what was it for/what did it do)?
Who did Castro overthrow in 1959 and how?
How did Fidel Castro anger the Americans?
What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?
How were missiles spotted over Cuba?
How did USA (Kennedy) respond to missiles being built in Cuba?
What is the domino theory?
How was Vietnam split into South and North?
How did Kennedy increase involvement in the Vietnam war?
Who were the Vietcong?
When and what was the Tet Offensive?
Was the Tet offensive a success or a failure for the US?
How did the US fight the Vietcong?
What was the 'Hearts and Minds' technique used by the US to fight the Vietcong?
What was operation rolling thunder?
How did media coverage lead many people to oppose the war?
What is the order of US presidents?
What was Vietnamisation?
How was Vietnamisation unsuccessful?
What (guerilla) tactics did the Vietcong use?
What was the Ho Chi Minh trail?
Why was the Weimar constitution a weak government?
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
What/Who were the November criminals?
What was the Spartacist revolt?
What was the Kapp Putsch?
When and what was the Ruhr invasion?
How did the Ruhr invasion cause hyperinflation?
When and what was the Munich Putsch?
What happened to the Weimar government in 1923?
Who were the SS and the SA?
Who helped Germany to join the League of Nations?
How was hyperinflation resolved?
Why did the Nazis gain support?
How did Hitler become president?
Was the Weimar government successful?
When and what was the Reichstag fire?
How did it matter/help Hitler?
How does Hitler gain the Enabling Act?
How did he use it?
When and what was the night of the long knives?
How were the youths in Germany 'Nazified'?
What was the RAD?
What was KdF?
What was Kristallnacht?
What were the Nuremberg Laws?
What were Hitler's 4 main economic policy ideas?
How did life improve for German people under Hitler's rule?
How did Hitler increase employment?
What reforms were introduced in 1906?
What reforms were introduced in 1908?
When was the NIA introduced?
What is the difference between part 1 and part 2?
How were all of the reforms paid for?
How were the people in Britain (at home) affected by WW1?
Arguments for womens sufferage
Arguments against women's suffrage
What is the difference between suffragettes and suffragists?
What was the Cat and mouse act?
When did women get the vote?
What was DORA?