Who was The Times aimed at and how much did it cost?
Who was the Daily mail aimed at and how much did it cost?
What was the issue with moving pictures in the Boer War?
What was Buller's relationship to the press?
How did Bobs manipulate the press?
What did the real bobs sauce show?
What was Kitchener's relationship with the press?
What did the british press do in July 1900?
When did censorship collapse?
Where was Chamberlain popular?
What was Lloyd George famous for?
What did the Esher Report 1904 do?
What were the divisions of the army recommended by the Esher report?
How many British men were too unfit to fight?
Why were the men unfit to fight? And what caused these problems?
What did Liberals want to do?
How many local authorities offered free school meals by 1912? (Introduced 1906)
What happened to infant mortality?
What did the Housing and Planning Act 1910 do?
Why did people lose faith in the war?
Why were the pensions in 1908 not a success?
Why was the 1907 Education Act not a success?
When was Black week?