What is the most likely PH when you mix acidic milk and alkali egg white?
What is the effect of putting a burning splint in oxygen?
The flame will get bigger.
It will make a popping sound.
No reaction.
Give a substance which is almost neutral/ neutral.
Johnson's pH 5.5 face wash.
Facial wash with a pH of 7.3
Body wash with a pH of 10
Tick the correct word equation for nitric acid reacting with sodium hydrocarbonate.
sodium hydrocarbonate + nitric acid = carbon monoxide + water +hydrogen
sodium hydrocarbonate + nitric acid = carbon dioxide + water + sodium nitrate
Tick the correct chemical equation for the chemical reaction in the clear blue flame.
methane + flame = fire + oxygen
methane + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water
Tick the correct word equation for magnesium reacting with air.
magnesium + flame = bright light
magnesium + nitrogen = magnesium nitrate
magnesium + oxygen = magnesium oxide
In which gas does magnesium immediately go out?
Exhaled air
Why does magnesium go out in a jar of exhaled air?
Because oxygen thins the flame.
Because carbon dioxide contains nitrogen.
Because the air we exhale contains carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide puts out fires.