Creado por soozi fullstop
hace más de 9 años
What poem is this?
'On a cloud I saw a child'
Finish these lines from 'The Lamb' in Songs of Innocence:
1. 'Gave thee life and bid thee feed/_?_'
2. 'Gave thee clothing of delight/_?_'
1. Finish the lines of the quotes:
'He is meek and __?__/ He became __?__'
2. Which poem is this from?
In Songs of Innocence, 'The Shepherd', what shall the shepherd 'do all the day'?
In Songs of Innocence, 'The Shepherd', what does the shepherd hear?
In Songs of Innocence, 'The Shepherd, what comes after
'He is watchful, while they are in peace'/__?__
In 'Infant Joy' in Songs of Innocence, which quote shows the older speaker's willingness to do what the child says, and the child's resulting happiness?
In Songs of Innocence, 'The Schoolboy', what does the speaker love to do, and who sings with them?
In 'The Schoolboy' in Songs of Innocence, how is the institution of education portrayed?
clue: body part
Finish the lines from Songs of Innocence, 'The Schoolboy':
1. 'Nor in my book can I take delight/__?__'
2. 'How can the bird that is born for joy/__?__'
In 'The little Black Boy' in Songs of Innocence, where did the little boy's mother teach him?
Finish these phrases from Songs of Innocence, 'The Echoing Green':
A: 'The merry bells ring/ _?_'
B: 'Old John with white hair/ _?_'
C: 'Such, such were the joys/_?_'
D: 'Round the laps of their mothers _?_'
In 'Nurse's Song' in Songs of Innocence, what is the first stanza?
1. In 'Nurse's Song in Songs of Innocence, what reasons does the nurse give for to 'come home, my children'?
2. Also, what counter-argument do the children give besides 'we cannot go to sleep' ?
What is 'Holy Thursday' in Songs of Innocence really about?
In 'The Chimney Sweeper', SOI fill gaps:
1. 'And my father ___'
2. 'There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head/ That ___ was shaved'
3. 'Were all of them locked up in __'
4. 'Wash in a river and __'
5. 'So if all do their duty, they __'
1. In 'Introduction' in Songs of Experience, what does the bard see?
2. What does the bard ask the Earth to do?
In 'Introduction' in Songs of Experience, what is the significance of the lines,
'The starry floor,/
The wat'ry shore'
1. In 'earth's answer' in Songs of experience, what are Earth's hairs covered in?
2. Why this colour?
In 'Earth's Answer' in Songs of Experience, which phrase shows how Blake is trying to show the strangeness of the secrecy of sex/showing love?
In SOE 'The Clod and the Pebble', who says 'Love seeketh not itself to please' ?
In SOE 'The Clod and the Pebble', who says,
'Love seeketh only self to please'
'To bind another'
In much the same way as 'The Schoolboy' in Songs of Innocence, how does Blake in 'Holy Thursday' in Songs of Experience describe the workhouses and other abandoned children authorities?
1. In 'The Chimney Sweeper' in songs of Experience, what is the 'little black thing among the snow' doing?
2. Also, what are the 'clothes of death'?
In 'The Chimney Sweeper' in songs of experience, which lines clearly indicate Blake's disgust at hierarchical society?
What is the first stanza of 'Nurse's Song' in Songs of Experience?
What does the nurse in 'Nurse's Song' in Songs of Experience think of 'your spring and your day'?
What are the last two lines of 'The Sick Rose' in Songs of Experience?
In 'The Angel' in Songs of Experience, what does the speaker hide from the angel?
What are the last two lines in 'The angel' in Songs of Experience?
Finish this phrase from 'They Tyger' from Songs of Experience:
1. 'What immortal hand or eye/ _?_ ?'
2. 'Did he who made the lamb __?__ ?'
Fill these gaps from 'The Garden of love' from Songs of Experience:
1. 'I went to the garden of love, /_?_'
2. 'A chapel was built in the midst,/ _?_'
3. 'And the gates of this chapel were shut,/_?_'
In 'The Garden of Love' in songs of Experience, what are the priests doing?
In 'The Garden of Love' in Songs of Experience, where are the tomb-stones?
In 'The Little Vagabond' in Songs of Experience, how is
a) the church described
b) the ale-house described
What are the first two lines of 'London' in Songs of Experience?
In the 3rd stanza of 'London' in Songs of Experience, finish the couplets:
a) 'How the chimney-sweeper's cry/_?_'
b) And the hapless soldier's sigh/_?_'
In 'London' in Songs of Experience, what does the youthful harlot's curse do?