Ma Hi
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Test sobre Test 6 (Chapter 7), creado por Ma Hi el 08/06/2015.

Ma Hi
Creado por Ma Hi hace más de 9 años

Test 6 (Chapter 7)

Pregunta 1 de 17


When you call up your website in the frontend, the following error message appears: “No Template found!” Why is this? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • No HTML template was specified.

  • The HTML template is read-only.

  • No TypoScript root template was specified.

  • The path to the HTML template is not correct.

  • No extension template was created.


Pregunta 2 de 17


The TypoScript stdWrap properties debug, debugData and debugFunc are helfpul when you are retying to debug while working with templates and TypoScript But why does the following script not function by default, i.e. why does it not produce an output on the screen? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello world!
page.10.debugData = 1

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The syntax is wrong, it should be page.10.stdWrap.debugData.

  • The output is always written to a log file and not displayed on screen.

  • You first have to enter the client IP in the Install Tool.

  • The function mentioned above only works for local installations. If the TYPO3 instance is on the internet, the display of debug data does not work.

  • The output happens in the backend in a module within the Info module, rather than on screen.


Pregunta 3 de 17


You want to include a complete directory of TypoScript files with an include statement; is this possible, and, if yes, how? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • No, it is not possible. You can only use an include statement to include individual files.

  • <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPTDIR: source="EXT:myext/Typoscript">

  • <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:myext/Typoscript">

  • <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:myext/Typoscript">

  • <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: sourcedir="EXT:myext/Typoscript">


Pregunta 4 de 17


You want to use TypoScript template A for the current page and template B for all the subpages of the current page. What is the best way to proceed? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • You assign template A to the current page, and template B to each subpage.

  • You assign template A to the current page, and then assign template B in the Template on next Level setting.

  • You assign template A to the current page, and use a condition to assign template B to the subpages.

  • You assign template B to all pages and use a condition to assign template A to the current page.


Pregunta 5 de 17


You want to refer to the DOCUMENT_BODY subpart in your HTML template. Which is the correct code for this purpose? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
template = FILE
template.file = fileadmin/template.html

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • subpart

  • marks

  • useSubPart

  • workOnSubpart

  • defineSubpart


Pregunta 6 de 17


You have used a marker, ###HMENU###, in the HTML template and replaced it using TypoScript.However, the marker remains unchanged in the output. Why is this? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Some names have been reserved for markers, and these include HMENU, which may therefore not be used.

  • You have forgotten to delete the backend cache.

  • There is a typo in the marker (in either the HTML or TypoScript template).

  • A marker must be written in the following form if it is to be replaceable: <!-- ###HMENU### begin -->


Pregunta 7 de 17


You want to replace the subpart with Hello World! and the marker with Is there anybody out there? in the HTML template below. Which line do you need to add to the TypoScript code? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
template = FILE
template.file = fileadmin/templates/test.html
workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT
subparts {
SUB.value = Hello World! ###MARKER###
marks {
MARKER.value = Is there anybody out there?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • nonCachedSubst = 1

  • substMarksSeparately = 1

  • useMarksInSubparts = 1

  • There is nothing missing, the output will be correct.

  • That is not possible.


Pregunta 8 de 17


Which of the following Fluid ViewHelper do not exist? (3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • <f:if>

  • <f:base>

  • <f:render>

  • <f:section>

  • <f:else>

  • <f:format.raw>

  • <f:html>

  • <f:format.translate>

  • <f:groupedFor>

  • <f:crop>


Pregunta 9 de 17


Look at the question marks in the following code. How can you replace them with content for a Fluid template so that it can be displayed there via {content}? (1)

page = PAGE
page {
10 {
file = fileadmin/templates/Home.html

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • variable.content < styles.content.get

  • variables.content < styles.content.get

  • subparts.content < styles.content.get

  • marks.content < styles.content.get

  • variables.10.content < styles.content.get

  • content < styles.content.get


Pregunta 10 de 17


Where was the inventor of TYPO3 born? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Sweden

  • Norway

  • Finland

  • Denmark

  • Germany


Pregunta 11 de 17


Which directories are absolutely required so that TYPO3 can be called up in the frontend? (3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • typo3conf/

  • typo3temp/

  • t3lib/

  • typo3/

  • fileadmin/

  • uploads/


Pregunta 12 de 17


You want to cache the contents of a page for exactly 7 days. How can you achieve this? (2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • That is not possible.

  • Place a reminder in your calendar and delete the cache after 7 days.

  • Set caching to exactly 7 days in the page properties.

  • An option is available for this purpose in the Page TSConfig
    page.cacheExpires = 7*24*60
    The time is given in minutes.

  • In TypoScript setup, use option
    config.cache_period = 604800
    The time is given in seconds.


Pregunta 13 de 17


You have decided that the BODY tag of the pages created by TYPO3 should contain an attribute with the current page ID. Where in the TSref would you look up the necessary option? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • In TLO config


  • In the TEMPLATE content object

  • In the HMENU content object

  • In the Page TSconfig section


Pregunta 14 de 17


You have installed or updated an extension, and now your TYPO3 installation no longer runs smoothly. What can you do in this situation? (3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The current version of the extension may be faulty. You should therefore downgrade to a lower version.

  • You can use the database analyzer to check whether the database schema is correct.

  • The problem usually disappears if you log out of the backend and then log in again.

  • You can solve the problem by emptying the cache.

  • You uninstall the extension.


Pregunta 15 de 17


Which areas do you need in order to set up user permissions for backend users in a sensible manner? (4)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Backend user administration

  • The System module

  • Backend group administration

  • The User Settings module

  • The Access module

  • The User Admin module


Pregunta 16 de 17


How do you activate the Admin Panel for a user who is not an administrator? (2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • You enter config.admPanel = 1 in the setup of the root template.

  • You enter config.admPanel = 1 in the User TSconfig.

  • You enter admPanel.enable.edit = 1 in the setup of the root template.

  • You enter admPanel.enable.edit = 1 in the User TSconfig.

  • By means of a setting in the user’s user settings.


Pregunta 17 de 17


How can you change the page titles of all direct subpages of the current page simultaneously? (1)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • That is not possible, you have to edit each page individually.

  • You first have to install a suitable extension.

  • You can use TypoScript to create a script that performs the change in one procedure.

  • You can do this in the Single Table View.

  • You can do this in the Page module.
