Creado por Sameet Govan
hace más de 9 años
What is pharmacodynamics
what is pharmacokinetics
strength of binding of drug to receptor is called what?
selectivity of drug to bind to receptor is called what?
which drug abolishes anticoagulant effect of heparin
what time of decay to most drugs have from the blood stream
how are most drugs eliminated
How to increase rate of aspirin renal excretion
Liver phase I reaction
liver phase II reaction
drugs that are enzyme inducers
Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of which drugs
erythromycin inhibits the metabolism of which drugs
General MOA or local anaesthetics and some examples
Unwanted effects of local anaesthetics
examples of acetylcholiesterases and what they are used to treat
what to use edrophonium for
neuromuscular blocking drugs
neuromuscular blocking drug to use in severe renal or liver failure
what are cholinomimetics
Alpha 2 blocker examples and MOA
What does phenylephrine do?
alpha 1 blocker name and use
What to MAO and COMT do
what does activation of alpha adrenoreceptors lead to
What does activation of alpha 2 adrenoreceptors do
How to indirect sympathomimetics work and examples
beta blockers
cardioselective beta blockers and asthma?
how to reduce pressure in glaucoma
which drug classes cause mydriasis
Drugs to cause miosis
Corticosteroid effect on the eye (bad)
Recommended safe dose of lidocaine 1% and bupivicaine 0.25%
Max single dose of lidocaine 1% and bupivicaine 0.25%
Centor criteria
Mecahnisms of drug resistance
drug resistant organisms of concern in the UK
Definition of sepsis
severe sepsis
septicv shock
What is sepsis 6
How is MRSA and most antibiotic resistance transmitted
Methiclillin resistance equates to which antibiotic
what would you prescribe in methicillin resistance
What can we do to prevent infections with resistant organisms
ECO risk of drugs, high, intermediate, low
Phenytoin precipitates in dextrose solutions
Amphotericin precipitates in saline
Gentamicin is physically/chemically incompatible with most beta-lactams
these are examples of what type of drug interaction
sucrulfate, some milk products, antacids and oral iron preparations block absorption of what
Omeprazole, lansoprazole andH2 antagonists reduce absorption of what?
Colestyramine binds which drugs
Cytochrome p450 3A4 responsible for metabolism of:
inhibitors and inducers of CYP450 3A4
CYP2D6 metabolism of what and inhibited by what
Cytochrome p450 2c9
cyp 2c19
examples of drug food interactions
grapefruit and statins
St Johns wort
Drug interactions with anti-retrovirals
what does cooling blood samples do to potassium levels
Hypokalaemic, hypernatraemia
cause of coma in severe type 2 diabetes
tumour markers
some random points to remember
Type A (augmented) drug reaction
Type B (bizzare) drug reaction
Other drug reactions
Type C (Chronic treatment effects) osteoporosis with steroids
Type D (Delayed effects)
drug induced cancers
Type E (End of treatment effects) withdrawal syndromes
other type A drug reactions
Mechanisms of type B idiosyncratic drug reactions
Hx of anaphylaxis, urticaria or rash immediately after penicillin
penicillin allergy, do not use any of the following
don't use flucloxacillin in which type of disorder
cyclophosphamide class and specific side effects
Methotrexate class and specific side effects
Docorubicin class and specific side effects
5-FU class and specific side effects
Side effects and common drugs
Nausea and vom
often drug causes conditions
stevens-johnson syndrome
blood dyscrasias
highly protein bound drugs and factors which can affect that
Liver disease leads to hiugh concentrations of what
things that interfere with the pill
drugs with high renal excretion
lithium adverse effects
helicobacter eradication triple therapy
drugs in UC and Chron's
5ht4 receptor agonist for chronic constipation
GCC agonist
side effects of beta blockers
angina treatments
angina vasodilators
site of action of diuretics
Loop diuretics
Thiazide diuretics
potassium sparing diuretics
PPT notes on arrhythmias
amiodarone side effects
who to anticoagulate
newer anticaogulants
Clinical used of antiplatelets
Dopamine theory in schizophrenia
drugs used post MI
1st vs 2nd gen antipsychotics
treatment resistant schizophrenia
Treatment of bipolar
Mood stabilisers
depression treatment resistance
Venlafaxine and duloxetine
What to do in TCA overdose
when to use acetylcysteine
What can you get in acetylcystein
Multiplke dose axctivated charcoaal in what
Drugs not absorbed by activated charcoal
Guidelines on order of neuropathic pain meds
UTI, what drug to avoid
Tuberculosis drugs MOA and side effects
eye drops to anaesthetise the eye
Short acting drug use to diagnose myasthenia gravis
side effects of competitive neuromuscular blocking drugs
Name of the depolarising neuromuscular blocking drug and its main disadvantage
What drug to use in BPH and how does it work
Drugs that decrease IOP by increasing outflow
Drugs that reduce IOP by decreasing aqueous secretion other than B blocker
drugs to treat wet age released macular degeneration
Side effects of theophylline
which histamine in allergy and which in GI
Which GI drug can cause gynaecomastia and can bind to cytochrome -450 to reduce metabolism of warfarin, phenytoin and theophylline
example peptic ulcer disease regimes
name the 4 types of laxative, give examples and how they work
ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's - inducing remission and maintenance
side effects of bendroflumethiazide
In renal impairment, which of thiazides or loop diuretics are effective
side effects of loop diuretics
names of K+ sparing diuretics, MOA, side effects
a good cardioselective beta blocker to use in hypertension
management of acute severe hypertension
Side effects of nitrates
pharmacological management of bradycardia post MI
Drugs used in supra ventricular arrhythmias
Drugs effective in SVT and Ventricular arrhythmias
Drugs used in ventricular arrhythmias
How to assess cardiovascular risk
How to reduce also
Which classes (and give examples of drugs) can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting of motion sickness
How to treat vertigo and vomiting associated with vestibular disease
Good combination of drugs to prevent chemo induced emesis
Specific antiemetic to use in Meniere's disease
name the 2 classes of steroid hormones, examples and where they are made
What types of insulin are these: Insulin deter, Insulin glargine
What type of insulin is isophane insulin
What type of insulins are these: Insulin lispro, insulin apart, insulin glulisine
What is co-trimoxazole?
and a specific bacteria is is good with
good drug to use for analgesia when you want to avoid morphine associated sphincter spasm
give examples of GnRH agonists, what they are used in and how they work
Which two conditions is clopidogrel first line anti platelet therapy for
who should receive a statin