What is a Style?
A style is a predefined combination of font style, colour, and size that can be applied to any text in your document
A style is a collection of two or more layer effects working together to create a larger, overall look.
Style is all about the look that you have on your documents examples are retro, classic or eighties
Changes to styles are automatically saved when you close a document in Word
Themes are audio files that play whilst you read your word documents
Which of these is NOT a style in Word?
Heading 1
Book index
List Paragraph
Subtle Reference
On which menu would you find the Themes panel?
You can save your own themes in Word
You can import themes from Excel to use in Word
Only standard fonts can be used in Styles
The fonts option in the design menu is for selecting fonts that work well with the current theme
You can design your own styles from scratch in Word