Are you reading the books? Yes, we're reading...
Is the teacher speaking to Tim? No, he's not speaking to...
Are Helen and I asking our mother? Yes, you're asking...
Are Mr. and Mrs. Clark answering the questions? No, they're not answering...
Is the girl listening to the music? No, she's not listening to ...
Is your brother telling a joke to you and Helen? Yes, he is telling a joke to...
Are Bill and Henry singing the song? Yes, they're singing ...
Am I writing a poem? Yes, you're writing...
Are you visiting your friends? I'm not visiting...
Are you eating Joe's hamburgers? No, we're not eating...
Is Laura kissing her daugther? Yes, she's kissing...
Is the company having problems? Yes, it's having
Are the children drinking milk? No, they're no drinking...
Is the doctor examining the boy? Yes, he's examining ....
Is the doctor opening the window for Mrs. Peters? No, he's not opening .... for ....
it FOR him
it FOR her
it FOR it
Are you sending a letters to Joe and Ann? Yes, I'm sending letters to ...
Is your cousin collecting stamps? No, he's not collecting...
Are the students singing to the girl? Yes, they are singing to ....
Am I pronouncing the words correctly? Yes you're pronouncing ... correctly.
Is Henry walking with you, Bob? No, he's not walking with ...
Are they working for you and Tim? No, they're not working for...
Is Patricia helping me and Ann? Yes, she's helping...
Is the audience waiting for the actor? No, it's not waiting for...