Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

FRM FRM Test sobre FIXING INSTRUMENTS AND OPTIONS, creado por f.yafai el 26/10/2013.

Creado por f.yafai hace casi 11 años


Pregunta 1 de 13


In February, a corporate wishes to fix the price of wheat required for three months' time. The corporate purchases 100 May wheat futures contracts at US $794.0 and sells them again in May for US$ 854.00. An initial margin of US$50.00 was paid on each contract.
What was the net total amount paid or received by the corporate on closure of the contracts in May? Assume an profit or loss on these contracts is settled in full on close out.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • pay $1,000

  • pay $5,000

  • pay $6,000

  • receive $5,000

  • receive $6,000

  • receive $11,000


Pregunta 2 de 13


X buys futures contract and Y sells a futures contract. Neither have previously transacted in futures,. Initial margin is payable by:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Both X and Y

  • X only

  • Y only

  • Neither X nor Y


Pregunta 3 de 13


4 Platinum futures contracts, each for 50 ounces, were sold at 920.1 per ounce and closed out one month (30 days) later at 935.9. What is the best estimate of the total value variation margin on the deal?
The total value of the variation margin is the total net gain or loss on the futures contracts.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 3,160 received

  • 63,20 received

  • 15.80 paid or received

  • 6,320 paid

  • 3,150 paid


Pregunta 4 de 13


A company has a floating-for-fixed swap with net settlement every 6 months. The net settlement paid on 1 January 2009 is calculated using 6-moth LIBOR set on:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 1 January 2008

  • 1 July 2008

  • 1 January 2009

  • 1 July 2009


Pregunta 5 de 13


1st January X8: Company AB borrows £100,000 under a 5-year bank loan linked to 6-month LIBOR plus 50 basis points.
1st January X8: 5 year semi-annual fixed rate swap rate is 6% against 6-month LIBOR
Outturn 6 month LIBOR rates were as follows
1st January X8 5.0%
1st July X8 5.5%
1st January 6.1%
Assume that company AB enters into a 5 year £100,000 fixed for floating swap on 1st January. What is the net payment or receipt under the swap contract on 1st July X8?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Pay £250

  • Pay £500

  • Receive £250

  • Receive £500

  • Receive £750


Pregunta 6 de 13


It is true that financial futures contracts:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • are normally held to delivery

  • require an initial margin to protect the company against clearing house counterparty risk

  • can be tailored to a customer specific delivery date, but are over fixed contract amounts

  • are transparently priced


Pregunta 7 de 13


A coffee importer buys a call option over 10,000 kg of coffee at a price of USD 2.68 per kg for a premium of USD 0.25 per kg. On expiry the market price for coffee is USD 2.50 per kg, the company should:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • exercise the option sand relies a profit

  • exercise the option sand relies a loss

  • take delivery of the coffee under the option contract

  • let the option lapse and buy the coffee on the open market


Pregunta 8 de 13


A UK food manufacture buys 200,000 liters of soys oil at USD 0.18 per litre with payment due in nine months's time and enters into a nice month forward contract to purchase USD at GBP/USD 2.1500. The best estimate of the hedged GBP c pst of the soys oil is

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 17,000

  • 36,000

  • 52,000

  • 77,000


Pregunta 9 de 13


Under a financial put option

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the buyer has the right to buy and the writer has the obligation to buy

  • the buyer has the right but not the obligation to to buy and the writer has the obligation to sell

  • the buyer has the right to sell and the writer has the obligation to buy

  • the seller has the right but not the obligation to to sell and the writer has the obligation to sell


Pregunta 10 de 13


An American put option gives the holder the right:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • to buy the physical on a certain date for a certain price

  • to sell the physical on a certain date for a certain price

  • to buy the physical at any time up to expiry date for certain price

  • to sell the physical at any time up to expiry date for certain price


Pregunta 11 de 13


Which of the following instruments would be LEAST likely to be used by a small treasury department?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • forward contract

  • FRA

  • currency futures

  • currency options

  • interest rate swap


Pregunta 12 de 13


A single 1 month option over 100,000 A plc shares, with a strike price of EUR 1.20 per share, is issued at a premium. The best estimate of the maximum loss to the option writer under this option is:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • EUR 73,333

  • EUR 83,333

  • EUR 110,000

  • EUR 120,000

  • Unlimited loss


Pregunta 13 de 13


40 Futures contracts were purchased at a unit price of 295 and initial margin of 50 per count act., they were sold 7 days later at a unit price of 333. the best estimate of the profit or loss on this transaction is

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 3,520 profit

  • 1,520 profit

  • 38 profit

  • 38 loss

  • 1,520 loss

  • 3,520 loss

  • 1520 loss
