Creado por Gloria Escribano Serrano
hace más de 3 años
Human beings are__________.
We have got a lot in common with other animals.
Plants are different to animals because they can't___________.
Plants are different to animals because they____________.
An animal that feeds on animals and plants.
An animal that has got an internal skeleton and backbone.
Name the parts of the human body
Are we different from other animals?
Our skin is where experience _______.
Our arms end in __________ and our legs end in _________.
Animals that walk on two legs.
Our sense organs are_____,______,____,______.
Our brain is protected by_______
Face is an organ inside the head that thinks and processes information.
There are 3 Vital Functions:
The digestive system
Anus, mouth and pancreas are parts of the digestive system
This takes oxygen from the air and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
What two parts form the respiratory system?
This system moves blood around our bodies. Blood carries nutritious substances and oxygen.
The excretory system is made-up of the_________ and____________.
We have got four body systems.