Veronika Bebekh
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

(11th grade. Unit 8. At Home and Abroad) 11th grade Test sobre 11th grade. Unit 8. Lesson 1. INTERNATIONAL TOURIST CALENDAR, creado por Veronika Bebekh el 03/05/2021.

Veronika Bebekh
Creado por Veronika Bebekh hace más de 3 años

11th grade. Unit 8. Lesson 1. INTERNATIONAL TOURIST CALENDAR

Pregunta 1 de 2


- Unique folklore custom
- International Classical Music Festival
- Regional Festival of the Children’s Theatre Art
- International Film Festival
- International Theatre Festival
- Belarusian Water Tourism Technique Cup
- International Young Talents Festival
- Medieval Culture Festival
- International Children’s Art Festival
- International Knight’s Fest of the Medieval Culture and Traditions
- International Music Festival
- International Folk Art Festival
- International Military-Historic Festival
- Village Workers Fair-Festival
- International Art Festival

Arrastra y suelta para completar el texto.

    “Zhenitba Tereshki”
    “The Protection Festival”
    “Slavyansky Bazaar”
    “Friendship Wreath”
    “The Beatles Forever!”
    “Gedymin’s Castle”
    “Golden Bee”
    “The Land beneath the White Wings”
    “Neman Spring”
    “Belaya Vezha”
    “Charouny Kuferak”


Pregunta 2 de 2


Rellena los espacios en blanco para completar el texto.

Look at the sentences taken from the calendar. Fill in the
gaps with the words above and answer the questions that follow.

1. There is an tradition to celebrate the New Year according to the Old Style. 2. Pancake Week Celebration is an holiday of the pagan culture. 3. Enjoy music and spectacular tricks performed by the bikers from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries. 4. International Knights Fest of the Culture and Traditions “Gedymin’s Castle” is held in the castle of the XII century in Lida. 5. International Music Festival “The Beatles Forever!” creates warm and homely atmosphere for the real fans of “The Beatles” in Logoisk, where performers sing the songs of the famous Liverpool four. 6. International Theatre Festival “Belaya Vezha” features the best of theatre.
