When can students turn homework in?
After the due date
On the due date
Before the due date
The last day of the quarter
If an assignment is late, what are you to do?
Don't turn it in -- not worth anything anyway
Write your name, date, and due date on the assignment and put it in the front tray
Electronic devices are
Useful for assignments -- but must have the teacher's permission to be used
Are not allowed in the classroom
The final exam is
worth 20% of the semester grade
worth studying for
we have a final exam?
If a student is using an electronic device inappropriately,
The device may be taken away for the day
The device may be sent to the office
The student may lose computer privileges
The student may receive a detention
Academic integrity refers to
Citing sources properly
Not cheating off another student or the internet
Integrating school and sports
Lying to one's parents
Grades will consist of
Class participation
Extracurricular activities
Parental involvement
Homework/class work
Extra Credit
Where can students find assignments and due dates?
The office
Google Classroom (website)
White Board in the classroom
If a student is going to be gone for a school sponsored event, when are they to make up their work?
Before they leave for the event
When they return from the event
By the date the teacher and student have chosen prior to leaving for the event
What is my last name?