Consider the meal Cheesy Beans on Toast
(Beans on whole wheat toast with a little low fat spread topped with Cheese) with a glass of Fresh Orange Juice) Is it a balanced meal, does it have everything from each of the Eatwell Guide food groups?
Place food into the correct section of the Eatwell Guide. You must drag the answer to the coloured dot and drop it when the dot turns dark orange.
{"26.6255_31.2757":[{"id":45236019,"answer":"Fresh Orange Juice","x":26.6255,"y":31.2757}],"54.1567_47.3395":[{"id":45235900,"answer":"Wholemeal Bread","x":54.1567,"y":47.3395}],"41.5895_73.251":[{"id":45235902,"answer":"Baked Beans","x":41.5895,"y":73.251}],"58.1362_85.5967":[{"id":45236020,"answer":"Cheese","x":58.1362,"y":85.5967}],"87.6326_74.8971":[{"id":45235901,"answer":"Polyunsaturated Spread (Flora Margarine)","x":87.6326,"y":74.8971}]}
Arrastra la opción correcta a cada uno de los puntos naranjas