Creado por jpemen
hace alrededor de 11 años
2 or more notes played together
sequence of chords repeated to make a song
a 3 note chord
Happy sounding
sad sounding
a semi-tone to the right of a note
a semi-tone to the left of a note
when a note is supposed to be a #flat but is played normal
the line in the song gets stuck in your, usually in the chorus & title of the song
the joining section of the song between worse and chorus it is different
the ending of a song, fades out
a section of the song that leads into the chorus
making it up on the spot
the joing ing section of a song between a verse and chorus, it is different, 8 bars, provides variety
3 beat note
the speed of the song
chords to describe a unique tone of insturument
the sections of the song
the instruments or sounds in the song
the rhythmic effect in which the off beat is emphasized
the layers