Nancy Meza
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

IELTS English Test sobre Word Formation, creado por Nancy Meza el 28/09/2021.

Nancy Meza
Creado por Nancy Meza hace alrededor de 3 años

Word Formation

Pregunta 1 de 2


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Complete the sentences with the correct option:

1. Her house is ( beautifully, beautiful ) decorated.
2. “Friends” is my ( favorite, favor ) TV series.
3. He bought a ( digital, digit ) camera last week.
4. The ( majority, major ) of people enjoy watching soap operas.
5. What’s your ( interpretation, interpret ) of the story?
6. Fill your full name in the ( application, apply ) form.
7. Did you have any ( difficulty, difficult ) doing the exercise?
8. It’s ( dangerous, danger ) to cross a street without looking both ways.
9. He likes ( traditional, tradition ) music.
10. Drain the vegetables ( thoroughly, thorough ).
11. Jim seems to have ( financial, finance ) problems.
12. Jenny is an ( attractive, attraction ) woman in her early thirties.
13. They decided to have a ( security, secure ) system installed.
14. He was ( unable, able ) to find a solution so he asked for help.
15. After ( graduation, graduate ) he started looking for a job.


Pregunta 2 de 2


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Although the majority of people say that they “work for the money”, the ( financial, finance ) reward isn’t actually the only thing that they think about. ( Recently, Recent ), research has shown that people consider many different factors to be of ( importance, important ) when they make their ( choice, choose ). A worldwide survey of students showed that after ( graduation, graduate ) they would be looking for jobs that allowed them to balance their ( personal, person ) lives with their work lives.
It’s not just the younger generation who think like this either. There has been an increase in the number of middle-aged ( workers, worker ) who are moving away from highly-paid executive positions into less ( stressful, stressfull ) jobs. They are looking for something which is more ( enjoyable, enjoyment ) and gives them more leisure time. All this has meant that ( employers, employs ) are realising that they need to do more than just offer good wages if they are going to keep their workers happy and motivated.
