What did Semmelweiss do?
proved that hand-washing could drastically reduce the number of women dying after childbirth. Hand washing gets rid of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria in hospitals.
discovered that antibiotics can destroy viruses if placed inside cells.
Invented the antibiotic penicillin to eliminate infection causing bacteria. This antibiotic is still available on prescription worldwide for curing bacterial and fungal infections.
Which of the following is NOT an effect of cannabis?
short term memory loss
long term mental health problems- psychosis, schizophrenia and depression
an awake feeling
Which of the following is not a drug
vitamin supplements
magic mushrooms
a glass of wine
what is the first stage in drug testing
clinical trials
drugs tested on human cells and tissues in a lab
testing on live animals
tested on people suffering from the illness
What do statins do?
lower peoples appetites
lower the risk of heart and circulatory diseases
boost immune systems
What are the three things that new drugs are tested for?
toxicity, efficacy and dose
toxicity, how they taste, smell
magic powers, dual effects, danger
what is an ethical issue behind steroids?
What was thalidomide originally developed to do?
Sleeping pill
cure morning sickness
cure leprosy